

1、Penal servitude;a penal colony.『4words』

2、measurement of penalpenal discretion『5words』

3、penal rate [Liquidity Adjustment Facility]『5words』

4、penal servitude in labor camps.『5words』

5、penal damages for wrongful termination『5words』

6、An outworn penal code;outworn clothes.『5words』

7、a humane person, act, penal system『6words』

8、He underwent nineteen years of penal servitude for theft.『9words』

9、China is frequently criticised for its abusive penal system.『9words』

10、American California penal code and our country penal code comparison『10words』



11、from a penal to a rehabilitative philosophy- J.B.Costello; rehabilitative treatment.『10words』

12、I'm comparing only your ignorance and mine about penal institutions.『10words』

13、The theory of penal nature is an extremely complicated problem.『10words』

14、The punishments for robbery and murder are prescribed in the penal code.『12words』

15、In addition, such penal courses proved to be expensive to maintain over time.『13words』

16、Penal trial court transact normal penal cases and private persecution penal cases; other relevant business.『15words』

17、The severity of the penal code had no serious effect on the prevalence of crime.『15words』

18、In the Qing Dynasty, the officials's penal system includes two parts: disciplinary sanction and penal punishment.『16words』

19、In this regard, China's penal system as opposed to Western developed countries is still relatively backward.『16words』

20、The agitation of penal reformers is not Shared by psephologists, who note the tiddly Numbers involved.『16words』

21、Assuming Liu's tale is true, it's a sorry commentary on the state of affairs in China's penal system.『18words』

22、Presently, with the reform on the systems of penal litigation, the mode of penal litigation has changed greatly, especially.『19words』

23、Verne wants nothing more than to escape from a penal colony located off the northern coast of South America.『19words』

24、In China penal law, action aim of hijacking aircraft is mostly civil aircraft, and national aircraft in especial condition.『19words』

25、This should also be carried out in the constitution, labor law, trade union law, strike law and penal law.『19words』

26、Lawyer Yang does well in pleading for penal case, infringement, real estate (removal), contract, marriage and family law matters, etc.『20words』

27、The department provides staff with recruit, development and specialist training at the Staff Training Institute, and in-service training at individual penal institutions.『22words』

28、An example of the clause would be, in no event shall the aggregate liability of the surety exceed the penal sum specified herein.『23words』

29、turning and developing from the lower level of 'penal law decides the crime' to the higher level of 'the crime decides the penal law'.『24words』

30、The delimitation of the scope of application of Community Corrections should be consistent with the nature of Community Corrections and the country's current penal system.『25words』



31、Accessory penalty, also called subordinate penalty, is an applied penal method subordinate to, supplementary to, independent of or attached to the principal penalty in the penal system.『27words』

32、The legal nature of a suspended sentence, probation refers to the penal system as one of the elements of what should be included in the penal system.『27words』

33、The procuratorate-police relationship delimitation as the important content in the penal procedure system should progress gradually with the reform pace of the adjudication mode of our country.『27words』

34、“In fact, this scaffold constituted a portion of a penal machine, which now, for two or three generations past, has been merely historical and traditionary among us,"『27words』

35、On the basis of elasticity of the large-deflection thin penal, the method of weighted residuals is applied in calculating the stress and deflection of the curtain-wall glass.『27words』

36、But it exists in the penal system, an integrated system, will inevitably have to have relations with other penal system, in which there have been some convergence of poor circumstances.『30words』

37、It is an important problem in the theory of criminal negligence, but is still unfamiliar to the field of penal law. This essay will discuss its content, origin and performance.『30words』

38、Main concentration of penal sum is in the benefit in the crime, but the national office-holder's crime is however and very difficult to find out the penal shadow of penal sum.『31words』

39、For stopping the serious violence the crime and protect the Human body of the citizen availably the safety, the new emendatory penal code increased the special defending the provision of the power.『32words』

40、The story of Tocqueville's visit was an extraordinary one in its own right. He was only 25 when he crossed the Atlantic, dispatched by the French government to study America's penal system.『32words』



41、The English courts have no jurisdictions over the follow matters: title to foreign land, foreign intelligent property rights, foreign penal and revenue law as well as the similar public laws, the act of State.『34words』

42、No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed.『36words』

43、The reform of unpenalize as an important one of the reform of criminal law in our country, whose aim is to perfect the protectionism, advocate to take the unpenal measures, converge the limited penal resources to be against the serious crime and preclude crime within the most limitation.『48words』

44、“When it made no difference to the fate of a highwayman whether he had killed his victim or merely robbed him of a few pieces of silver, there were no more murders then than there were when men like Sir Fraricis Burdett succeeded in lightening the excessive severity of the penal laws. "『53words』

