think about造句,用think about怎么造句子(43句)

think about造句,用think about怎么造句子

1、So think about this.『4words』

2、Conversely think about preparation.『4words』

3、Finally, think about psychology.『4words』

4、Let's think about these predictions.『5words』

5、I can't think about sleeping.『5words』

6、I will think about that.『5words』

7、Finally, think about your presentation.『5words』

8、He did think about it.『5words』

9、So we'll think about polymer configurations.『6words』

10、Don't think about your composition now.『6words』

think about造句,用think about怎么造句子(43句)

think about造句,用think about怎么造句子

11、What do you think about soaps?『6words』

12、I'll have a think about that.『6words』

13、So think about a surgical procedure.『6words』

14、Just think about those starving orphans in Africa!『8words』

15、So, what do we think about classical conditioning?『8words』

16、So, I think this is something to think about.『9words』

17、The car somersault and landed up in a hedge.『9words』

18、Alice: What do you think about the campus life?『9words』

19、All right, so, think about our brain transplanting example.『9words』

20、I think the human race needs to think about killing.『10words』

21、We love to think about us and about our ancestors.『10words』

22、Think more about what you really want and think about it.『11words』

23、When life become maddening polite, think about me,think about me. Will,don't worry about me.『14words』

24、They don't think about making money, they only think about making themselves the best people.『15words』

25、Think about people who are competent. Generally — And think about people who are incompetent.『15words』

26、Oh, whenever I think about you, my heart would drown in an ocean of sweetness.『15words』

27、With quiet music, quiet, quiet, think about daytime, think about life, think about everyone, that's good.『16words』

28、Really think about what you love, about your life, about what you want to be doing.『16words』

29、There's really no reason to think about it, but the umbilical cord is a beautiful thing.『16words』

30、When you read books, don't just think about what the author thinks, think about what you think.『17words』

think about造句,用think about怎么造句子(43句)

think about造句,用think about怎么造句子

31、Anyway, I don't need to tell you what I think about Plato's ideas about innovation, do I?『17words』

32、Another thing Katherine loved about Facebook was that she didn't have to think about time zones when updating family.『19words』

33、You have talked about one side of the problem but there is still another side that you should think about.『20words』

34、We need to think about the rational use of health care and stop talking about the rationing of health care.『20words』

35、I don't know much about Madam, but if I think about it carefully, maybe we still have something in common.『20words』

36、Think of the implications for society if people worry more about what other people think about them than what they think about themselves.『23words』

37、 If we don't think about it, even if we don't think about it, our life will be older than that of cardamom.『23words』

38、If one day you find that I don't care about you, please think about whether you care about me when I care about you.『24words』

39、Let your mind drift away and think about the most pleasant moment of your life, think about people you love, think about your dream vacation.『25words』

40、The day after tomorrow, persist for a while, ask others, think about yourself, find shortcomings, think about courage and self-confidence, lack of thinking, or lack of behavior.『27words』

think about造句,用think about怎么造句子(43句)

think about造句,用think about怎么造句子

41、Curiously, users often don’t think about Undo until they need it, in much the same way that homeowners don’t think about their insurance policies until a disaster strikes.『28words』

42、Since the breakup, why worry about, why tears, uncomfortable heart, think about the past, think about the spring and autumn of life, worry about the life of each other.『29words』

43、In fact, everyone has a person who can't forget it. You always think about it when you are bored. When you eat alone, think of it, walk in the street at night, think about it and listen to it.『39words』

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