at hand造句,用at hand怎么造句子(43句)

at hand造句,用at hand怎么造句子

1、Help was at hand.『4words』

2、Revenge is at hand.『4words』

3、Now it is at hand.『5words』

4、at hand; current and present『5words』

5、Keep tools close at hand.『5words』

6、My house is close at hand.『6words』

7、Love, is actually close at hand.『6words』

8、Seemingly far away, actually close at hand.『7words』

9、Keep the legal pad close at hand.『7words』

10、I didn't have enough datum at hand.『7words』

at hand造句,用at hand怎么造句子(43句)

at hand造句,用at hand怎么造句子

11、Well-being sometimes distant, sometimes close at hand.『7words』

12、At last the final act was at hand.『8words』

13、There were some side passages near at hand.『8words』

14、You may be overreacting to a situation at hand.『9words』

15、I come to gaze upon your Windows near at hand.『10words』

16、Happiness seems close at hand, but you will not see.『10words』

17、Dog that bark at a distance bite not at hand .『11words』

18、He always kept the picture of his girlfriend's close at hand.『11words』

19、However, few people at home or in school have cell culture solutions at hand.『14words』

20、Other technologies incorporated by the architects that may be close at hand include robotics.『14words』

21、Alwayss have an emergency contact number at hand, and let people at home know your whereabouts.『16words』

22、To see how it differs from economic reality, let's look at an example close at hand.『16words』

23、Now, when you're buying kitchenware items, it pays to have a lot of information at hand.『16words』

24、This constant momentum allows them to keep on reframing the tasks or design problems at hand.『16words』

25、The fireworks in life, there is a distance, is far away, also called close at hand.『16words』

26、If nothing suitable is at hand, buy plastic spreaders for auto-body filler at an auto-supply store.『16words』

27、Sometimes I feel the Expo is close at hand, as if it's gonna happen tomorrow, said Lajus.『17words』

28、The matter at hand is this, I have directed a citation to be lodged in your daughter's hand.『18words』

29、When the meeting finished at 3:00, we had still almost an hour at hand before our train left.『18words』

30、It all depends on the topic at hand and the plan that you and your counselor decide on.『18words』

at hand造句,用at hand怎么造句子(43句)

at hand造句,用at hand怎么造句子

31、We convene each day to discuss matters close at hand about all that is transpiring on your planet.『18words』

32、Our main business is not to see what lies dimly at distance, but to do what lies at hand.『19words』

33、Because the region around New Orleans is composed of alluvial soil, there is no paving material close at hand.『19words』

34、Invariably, the subtleties, nuances, and scope of the problem at hand become clear only after the application has been written.『20words』

35、Our grand business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand.『21words』

36、These arguments relate little, if at all, to the business problem at hand and tend to devolve into pedantic arguments of semantics.『22words』

37、But now salvation is literally at hand, thanks to Rude Hand Gestures of the World, by Romana Lefevre, with photographs by Daniel Castro.『23words』

38、The principle of commensurate effort allows us to inflect interfaces so that simple, commonly used functions are immediately at hand at all times.『23words』

39、If the good things of life come at once, and the pain of life is at hand, life is at the exit of the limit of happiness.『27words』

40、Yes, but with no more detail than fits on a standard white board at a time, and no more than necessary to address the risk at hand.『27words』

at hand造句,用at hand怎么造句子(43句)

at hand造句,用at hand怎么造句子

41、You said, if fate, thousands of miles will eventually come to meet, hand in hand red dust, if no fate, not close at hand, will eventually be strangers.『28words』

42、Time imprinted on our hearts is only quiet good, because at some point in the year, we only want to do the thing at hand to the extreme.『28words』

43、At that point, Schmidt put an avuncular hand on Page's shoulder and brought him back to the real world. Now, with Page as CEO, that hand is less likely to be there.『32words』

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