


2、British nobility seldom tipped.『4words』

3、They're called service nobility.『4words』

4、the nobility of labor『4words』

5、We were really society nobility.『5words』

6、 A hereditary ruling class; nobility.『6words』

7、Through him, the landed nobility justified itself.『7words』

8、Brunei has nobility with the title Pengiran.『7words』

9、The confer nobility to a meritorious official『7words』

10、An imperial physician was raised to nobility『7words』



11、The Maltese nobility was established during this period.『8words』

12、members of the nobility (especially of the French nobility).『9words』

13、The english gentry are next below the nobility .『9words』

14、How can a place generate such feeling, such nobility『9words』

15、We are not blue blood nobility, but much more like nobility.『11words』

16、I believe in the nobility of Duncan's loyalty, and his enthusiasm.『11words』

17、He is modest affability with high responsibility and nobility medical ethics.『11words』

18、Everything that you saw made for greatness and freedom, and unequalled nobility.『12words』

19、Many Republicans hold that the nobility of the cause is itself the problem.『13words』

20、émigré nobility- Members of the French nobility who fled France during the French Revolution.『14words』

21、These shows were designed for the enjoyment of the nobility and to impress ordinary people.『15words』

22、We know so far excavated 25 tombs in the Han nobilitynobility, of which 18 have been stolen.『17words』

23、一个女人的高贵包含在女人的神秘中。这是永恒女*的秘密力量:暗示。原文:A woman's nobility was contained in woman's mystery. That is the secret strength of the eternal feminine: suggestion.Wikipedia-logo.png『18words』

24、There is no distinction between nobility and lowness. Similarly, there is no distinction between nobility and lowness in profession.『19words』

25、There are hundreds of peasant uprisings, great and small, against the dark rule of the landlords and the nobility.『19words』

26、Copper and patina color are the favorite for designers and owners, which manifest some kind of classic and nobility.『19words』

27、The experiment was a grand success and Talleyrand's association with French nobility would prove a profitable connection for Carême.『19words』

28、Even if a person does not have the ability to have nobility, it should also let oneself have goodness.『19words』

29、As he traveled through the homes of early 19th century nobility, Carême forged the new art of French gourmet food.『20words』

30、People often use nobility to describe the soul. However, nobility is only a qualitative analysis, and height is a quantifiable index.『21words』



31、Stylist brand oskar Della Aaron tower in design of dress, rare luxuriant nobility and many Hollywood stars socialite is its fans.『21words』

32、It seems to be the mainstream in contemporary Chinese vanguard arts to tease the society,to misinterpret classics,to disintegrate nobility and to topple arts.『23words』

33、Science was also enormously popular among the French nobility, and fashionable society flocked to demonstrations such as Nicolas Lemery's display representing an erupting volcano.『24words』

34、Beheading — swift and painless, as long as the axe was sharp — was considered a "privileged" way to die and was reserved mainly for members of nobility, rarely commoners.『30words』

35、He was remarkably successful in converting the king and the nobility, but the conversion of the common people was largely due to the missionary activities of the monks in the north.『31words』

36、Compassionate people smile a lot all their lives and are full of sunshine. Although simple, they are satisfied. They don't ask for nobility in front of others. I hope conscience exists.『31words』

37、The vicissitudes of the road, to pursue their own, helpless wait, to say, the nobility of life, not because of pay, but because of moving, life road, there are bitter sweet, but also sour.『34words』

38、The road is taken by oneself, the dream is written by oneself, and the scenery is painted by oneself. Don't weigh the nobility of life by worrying, and don't weigh the nobility of life by ignorance.『36words』

39、But I assure you this is because you have too little contact with our fighters, therefore have failed to understand their integrity of character, their strength of purpose, their modesty of nature, and their nobility of heart!『37words』

40、The Treasury said, "To grant this title of nobility is to compliment his contribution to the stability of the global economy and the United Kingdom was greatly benefited from his wisdom and technique in leading the US Federal Reserve."『39words』



41、in the society, women also had a high status, which meant that they could be recognized as an independent householder, be conferred a title of nobility, inherit property, play a role in politics, and enjoy the almost same education opportunities with men.『42words』

42、 If it is a person's grievances and stretches, a family's hunger and satiety, what the secular saying is honor and disgrace, gain and loss, nobility and lowness, damage and reputation, gentlemen have not yet had the time to worry about these.『42words』

43、Not only did the landlords, the nobility and the royal family live on rent extorted from the peasants, but the landlord state also exacted tribute, taxes and corvee services from them to support a horde of government officials and an army which was used mainly for their repression.『48words』

