1、spill cleanup activities『3words』
2、Don't spill the soup.『4words』
3、Doesn't spill a drop.『4words』
4、the oil spill is contained.『5words』
5、spill over into other field『5words』
6、Untimeous spur spill the steed.『5words』
7、Coal tar spill pollutes Chongqin river.『6words』
8、spill or splash copiously or clumsily.『6words』
9、 Careful the stuff doesn't spill out!『7words』
10、Be careful not to spill anything inside.『7words』
11、To spill or spread in a spot or stain.『9words』
12、The coffee is so full that it might spill over.『10words』
13、It was the worst offshore oil spill in American history.『10words』
14、The water is so full that it might spill over.『10words』
15、All of them were eager to spill their enemy's blood.『10words』
16、Dubai World's travails will spill over to Abu Dhabi's Banks and investors.『12words』
17、Obama's BP oil spill speech was lifeless on the topic of global warming.『13words』
18、The food chain has magnified the effect of the spill in other insidious ways.『14words』
19、Eisenhower's personal victory was not going to spill over into the state or congressional RACES.『15words』
20、Supreme Court spokeswoman Kathy Arberg said the 72-year-old justice took a spill over the weekend.『15words』
21、The final toll of the oil spill on the area's wildlife won't be known for years.『16words』
22、You think maybe Noah Bexter got religion at the last minute and wanted to spill his gut?『17words』
23、The original marriage is like a glass of water, not too full, too full will spill over.『17words』
24、You'll force the employer to make their juiciest offer. If you must spill, then spill in an "overabundant" way.『19words』
25、Secondary logs are created for long-running transactions to spill over; specifying -1 as the value allows infinite secondary logs.『19words』
26、This will eventually spill over to the US where there is already talk about mining the social media sites.『19words』
27、And every day, as the spill worsens, he loses hope that he'll be able to return to the life he built.『21words』
28、Oily sludge is found mostly in oil storage, waste water treatment unit of refinery and as a result of oil spill on clean soil.『24words』
29、Economists are now warning of a sharp downturn in the global economy as financial market uncertainties spill over to the general economy, including Asia.『24words』
30、Deliveries of the A330-200 were expected to begin in July 2008, but now, he said, Flyington fears the slippage will spill over into 2011.『24words』
31、Improved spill response capability along the Aleutian route - booms, lightering capability, skimmers, pumps, barges / bladders, training / contracting of local residents in spill response, etc.『27words』
32、If you happen to spill some gas or oil on the floor, newspaper will help absorb the spill and can prevent a permanent stain on concrete .『27words』
33、Being miserable at work can spill over into our personal lives so it makes sense to tackle any issues you have in the workplace sooner rather than later.『28words』
34、Panic was growing and fear that the virus could spill over to the human population as it had in the past, killing four out of every seven people infected.『29words』
35、The model was proven effective and feasible. The motion trail and spread range of oil spill in different wind conditions were calculated and analyzed based on the oil spill model.『30words』
36、“If somebody comes to me and says it is basically done, it is going to spill over by a few days or a week, that is different," said President Obama.『30words』
37、The slump in housebuilding has proved deeper and more protracted than expected and there are worries that it could spill over into other areas of the economy, like consumer spending.『30words』
38、The model can be used to forecast and hindcast the fate and transport of an oil spill in a marine environment and can be employed for oil spill response and environmental impact assessment.『33words』
39、If you happen to spill some gas or oil on the floor, newspaper will help absorb the spill and can prevent a permanent stain on concrete or a soft spot in your asphalt drive.『34words』
40、Alaska officials said Friday that up to 267,000 gallons of crude oil poured out of a pipeline at the Prudhoe Bay field, making it the largest oil spill ever recorded on the state's North Slope.『35words』
41、NEW YORK (AP) -- BP PLC said Tuesday it will sell assets in the U.S., Canada and Egypt to Apache Corp. for $7 billion to help pay the costs from the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.『36words』
42、“Since the early Renaissance, European painters have used trompe l'oeil to create false frames from which the contents of still lifes or portraits seemed to spill and to paint windowlike images that appeared to be actual openings in a wall or ceiling. "『43words』
43、It made vessels strictly liable for clean-up costs incurred by the government unless the owner proved that the spill was solely a result of an Act of God, an act of war, an act or omission of a third party, or negligence by the federal government.『46words』