

1、party issuing contract『3words』

2、issuing point acceptance credit『4words』

3、Closed private certificate issuing systems.『5words』

4、unit of issuing contracts to『5words』

5、Fourth, actively issuing bank loans.『5words』

6、Security considerations when issuing instance-level commands.『6words』

7、the act of issuing printed materials.『6words』

8、Compile txtserver.c by issuing the following command.『7words』

9、Compile txtgroup.c by issuing the following command.『7words』

10、Lava issuing from the brim of the crater.『8words』



11、An alternative model envisages the issuing of joint Eurobonds.『9words』

12、Can we use our company's stamp when issuing invoices?『9words』

13、Chapter 3: Practice of our commercial Banks issuing SNDs.『9words』

14、Bathed in the moonshine. A dainty jasmine. Surreptitiously issuing fragrance.『10words』

15、After issuing new letter original user name password of what changeless?『11words』

16、Get the orphaned transaction ID by issuing a command, such as.『11words』

17、According to ISO9001:2008 standard requirements, to keep documents, issuing, voided the control.『12words』

18、When issuing an invitation, it should be written on writing-paper rather than note-paper.『13words』

19、You can also choose to back them up manually by issuing the following command.『14words』

20、They have come up with one so preposterous they might have been better off simply issuing a decree.『18words』

21、Men's immature indecisiveness and unwillingness to commit have left women making the decisions and issuing a lot of ultimatums.『19words』

22、The accession of a minor to the Swedish throne seemed to present the ideal opportunity for issuing a challenge.『19words』

23、There are two basic approaches to security market to realize its financial function: issuing private offering and issuing public offering.『20words』

24、Once the commands finish executing, you can check to see if CouchDB is running by issuing a ps -eaf command.『20words』

25、The government has signalled violence may increase further by issuing a warning that no tolerance or leniency will be shown.『20words』

26、A place for presentation other than that of the issuing bank is in addition to the place of the issuing bank.『21words』

27、Their interest income is except from federal income taxation. The interest income also is exempt from state and local taxation in the issuing state.『24words』

28、I'm so sorry that your issuing bank refuses to grant their authorization for this transaction. If you have any questions, please contact the issuing bank.『25words』

29、Article 22 When deemed necessary, the BOFT may dispatch staff to the issuing agencies to check their operations related to the issuing of Certificates of Origin.『26words』

30、Before the reveal, the royal prankster ended with a flourish, issuing an order to his commanding officer, "All monkeys with video cameras should be arrested immediately."『26words』



31、Skeptics were dismayed several years ago when a group of societies including the American Medical Association tried to end the debate by issuing a joint statement.『26words』

32、The IBE-based identity authentication scheme, which is without the need for issuing digital certificates to bind user identity and public key, can improve the certification efficiency.『26words』

33、Under deferred credit terms, no draft will be presented, so the issuing need not to accept it, but the issuing bank has responsibility to advise maturity date.『27words』

34、On top of that, despite issuing guidance last quarter that gross margin would be down for the quarter, it rose three percentage points year-over-year to 40.9 percent.『27words』

35、This command USES the values found in the database manager configuration file and the authorization system catalog view (SYSCAT.DBAUTH). Listing 5 shows the results of issuing the command.『28words』

36、The result of this measurement will be placed in the DS18B20's scratch-pad memory, and may be read by issuing a memory function command which reads the contents of the scratchpad memory.『31words』

37、Rules of Use 1. The card certifies the bearer's identity and must be properly kept.2. The card can not be transferred or altered. 3. The card must be returned when the bearer leaves the issuing unit.『36words』

38、Potential foreign manufacturers and investors in China now have one more source to help them put their money into the right ventures: The Ministry of Commerce will begin issuing an official evaluation report of development zones starting this year.『39words』

39、All activities in court should be carried out publicly except when the case is being reviewed during court recession. These include issuing the indictment by the public prosecutor, court investigation, questioning witnesses, debate and the final statement by the accused.『40words』

40、Falsely issuing exclusive value-added tax invoices or other invoices to defraud export tax refunds or to off set taxes refers to any false issuance intended for others or himself, or letting others falsely issue for him, or induce others to falsely issue.『42words』



41、The situation of routine operation contained three part: continuing to make loans to china after dealing with Xiyuan Loan, issuing bank note and calculating about half of capital in silver dollar, and accepting the stock fund in the second period and re-electing the president.『44words』

42、Falsely issuing exclusive value-added tax invoices or other invoices to defraud export tax refunds or to off set taxes shall be punished with imprisonment or criminal detention of less than three years, with a fine of over 20,000 yuan and less than 200,000 yuan;『44words』

43、 The last few days in my memory are eating, playing cards, a group of people eating, drinking and singing everywhere. On the day of issuing graduation certificates, the class finally gathered together. This is the last happy reunion. Everyone knows that it has come to the end of the song.『51words』

