

1、Other losses lurk.『3words』

2、accumulating losses; aggregate losses『4words』

3、The losses were terrific.『4words』

4、regional gains and losses『4words』

5、recoverable deposits, losses, assets『4words』

6、Monthly estimates of credit losses『5words』

7、Unrealized holding gains or losses『5words』

8、Remember: these are unrealized losses.『5words』

9、Enemy troops suffered heavy losses.『5words』

10、to weigh gains and losses『5words』



11、The company endured heavy financial losses.『6words』

12、Estimates of losses will be wrong.『6words』

13、Why shouldn't the creditors bear the losses『7words』

14、Britain may insure Banks against future losses.『7words』

15、The forest disasters are estimable economic losses.『7words』

16、Losses converted into cash refer to direct losses.『8words』

17、These losses were partly counterbalanced by the Group's hedging programme.『10words』

18、Africa would also have to contend with huge economic losses.『10words』

19、Life is a balance, gains and losses is also balanceable.『10words』

20、The company suffered huge losses in the last financial year.『10words』



21、Additionally, 6061 T6 losses half its total strength when welded.『10words』

22、Allied forces sustained heavy losses in the first few weeks of the campaign.『13words』

23、The battle was won and the enemy defeated, but we suffered heavy losses.『13words』

24、This may or may not adversely affect customer realized and unrealized gains and losses.『14words』

25、Losses converted into cash refer to direct losses (the same as in the following table).『15words』

26、Since output equals input minus losses, the engineer must kept the losses to a minimum.『15words』

27、Investment income, which includes both realized and unrealized gains (or losses, such as in 2008).『15words』

28、and if they cause losses, they shall be liable for compensation in accordance with law.『15words』

29、If the victim suffers other great losses therefrom, the infringer shall compensate for those losses as well.『17words』

30、The gains and losses are never pure. Clean gains or losses are always inevitably related to each other.『18words』



31、The energy loses encountered in ferromagnetic cores are essentially of two groups: hysteresis losses and eddy-current losses .『18words』

32、Insurance companies may suffer losses of billions of pounds, also destabilizing certain industries as their losses and premium mount up.『20words』

33、We are not afraid to take losses to talk about our losses to rebound from our losses. Those are our defining moments.『22words』

34、The calculation methods of friction losses, diffuser losses and main local hydraulic losses of impellers and volutes of double channel pumps were given.『23words』

35、Appel says he needs to stanch DHL's huge losses in its American express service now to prevent many more job losses in future.『23words』

36、Losses and impairments declined $0.5 billion from the prior quarter, with consumer losses down $0.4 billion and real estate losses in line with our expectations.『25words』

37、One can't be endlessly self-willed, which will lead to great losses. But in case you suffer losses, you must remember to have a long memory.『25words』

38、Translation: If the foreign joint venturer causes losses by deception through the intentional use of backward technology and equipment, he shall pay compensation for the losses.『26words』

39、After being deceived, they not only suffer huge direct losses, but also greater indirect losses, and their ability to make up for and repair losses is weak.『27words』

40、In theory, it makes sense for Banks to swiftly recognize the losses embedded in bad loans - and then make up for those losses by raising fresh capital.『28words』

41、Enterprises should be fully estimated bad debt losses that may occur will be the impact of gains and losses, bad debts on schedule extract prepared to break down the risk of bad debt losses.『34words』

42、Looking ahead, this road is so long and arduous that we can pay for it from time to time, regardless of gains and losses, it is precious, gains and losses, gains and losses first, gains and losses again, gains and losses.『41words』

