

1、amusing or surprising perso『4words』

2、This was merely amusing.『4words』

3、An eccentrically amusing person.『4words』

4、an amusing story, story-teller『4words』

5、Weren't his magic tricks amusing『5words』

6、It was all very amusing.『5words』

7、This is an amusing move.『5words』

8、I thought he was very amusing.『6words』

9、It's a very amusing game to play.『7words』

10、He was amusing and familiar, yet respectful.『7words』



11、This harping about China is so amusing.『7words』

12、An interesting person and his amusing episodes『7words』

13、The announcer broadcasted a piece of amusing news.『8words』

14、I didn't find the joke at all amusing.『8words』

15、You come over as a capable and amusing companion.『9words』

16、As a matter of fact, this could be rather amusing.『10words』

17、Another unique and amusing number was called the "United Front Dance".『11words』

18、I like his impudence!(ironic,meaning that his impudence is prepesterous or amusing)『11words』

19、David's play was amusing and its pacifist Angle had a great appeal.『12words』

20、On Sunday, the kids of the kindergarten made a very amusing spectacle.『12words』



21、They say amusing things, tell jokes, engage in witty banter and generally lighten the mood.『15words』

22、From the origin of music, music has possessed two recreational functions: amusing jinni and amusing human.『16words』

23、The actors make us laugh by making fun of somebody's way of dressing or telling an amusing story.『18words』

24、LOL has evolved into something much subtler and sophisticated and is used even when nothing is remotely amusing.『18words』

25、One day Juno was seeking her Husband, who, she had reason to fear, was amusing himself among the nymphs『19words』

26、In her sketch "Transcendental Oats" she describes in an amusing way the experience of a year at Fruitlands, where an.『20words』

27、Alex Pang's amusing new book The Distraction Addiction addresses those of us who feel panic without a cellphone or computer.『20words』

28、I found it rather amusing, I love bunnies, but I would never have imagined flattening them with my a glass piece over it.『23words』

29、The clip then spreads like wildfire, presented as an amusing blooper sent from phone to phone, posted on the Internet ore - mailed.『23words』

30、Wild animals never kill for sport. Man is the only one to whom the torture and death of his fellow creatures is amusing in itself.野生动物从不为杀而杀。只有人类才从折磨以及同类的死亡中寻求快感。『25words』



31、If you ask American college women, they expect everything under the suit: in addition to being committed, partners have to be amusing, funny and a friend.『26words』

32、He speaks with a disposition of lively rattle, put, and jest, amusing to a grave man, because it is what he himself can least easily command.『26words』

33、It sounds amusing, but not if you have a large green brain and go "Ack" a lot. Stay away or arm yourself with really top-level shielding.『26words』

34、Married couples are likely to exert themselves for guests—being amusing, discussing with passion and point—and then to fall into dull exhausted silence when the guests have gone.『27words』

35、A rather amusing episode in Cambridge, well not amusing for Danial Scargill, who got expelled from his fellowship for being a Hobbist in other words a follower of Hobbes.『29words』

36、Mr. Knightley, who had nothing of ceremony about him, was offering by his short, decided answers, an amusing contrast to the protracted apologies and civil hesitations of the other.『29words』

37、The well-kept lawns, the artificial water and the trim paths give a mock rurality that is infinitely amusing to persons who do not wish to take things too seriously.『29words』

38、Among the animals he raised and trained, the performance of a pair of tigers was the most amusing and lovely. The performance was full and popular with the audience.『29words』

39、I found your stupidity mildly amusing.我觉得你傻得有点儿好玩。- Thank you, but I found your evilness is extremely annoying.谢谢哦,不过我觉得你坏得非常讨厌。- Who do you think you are, panda?你觉得你是谁啊,你个死熊猫?- Who do you think I am, peacock?你以为我是谁啊,你个臭孔雀?『30words』

40、It is an ideology of smallness, of contraction, of wanting to curl up in our own personal, financially secure hole and will everything amusing or interesting or exciting in the world away.『32words』

41、The news of the arrival of the Pharaon had not yet reached the old man, who, mounted on a chair, was amusing himself by training with trembling hand the nasturtiums and sprays of clematis that clambered over the trellis at his window.『42words』

42、an amusing film with a steady stream of pranks and pratfalls; an amusing fellow; a comic hat; a comical look of surprise; funny stories that made everybody laugh; a very funny writer; it would have been laughable if it hadn't hurt so much; a mirthful experience; risible courtroom antics.『49words』

