


2、To help simplify operations.『4words』

3、For your own sake, simplify.『5words』

4、How can I simplify this?『5words』

5、The program could simplify further.『5words』

6、So I'm going to simplify.『5words』

7、Intelligent people can often simplify the complex.『7words』

8、POJO programming seeks to simplify this task.『7words』

9、This also helps us simplify our design.『7words』

10、Always look for ways to simplify things.『7words』



11、 simplify Chinese characters; 2.simplified Chinese characters『7words』

12、A bill to simplify the Byzantine tax structure.『8words』

13、Our aim is to simplify the complex social security system.『10words』

14、Recognition of this result enables us to simplify our calculations.『10words』

15、It is imperative that we drastically simplify the programming model.『10words』

16、To simplify and simplify, that is to say, he is actually very simple.『13words』

17、BOINC provides features that simplify the creation and operation of distributed computing projects.『13words』

18、POJO delegate classes are often used simplify invoking services in a common way.『13words』

19、The reactor cooling system re-circulates water, so its return would simplify recovery operations.『13words』

20、The team also wants to standardize their computer vendor to simplify purchasing and support.『14words』



21、Three century Diophantine one of the outstanding contribution that Greece algebra simplifysimplify algebraic created.『15words』

22、The Zero-Saving mechanism can simplify the development of time management services in a RTI greatly.『15words』

23、Most Web frameworks and browsers layer higher-level interfaces (a programmable Session object, for example) that simplify development.『17words』

24、While intelligent people can often simplify the complex, a fool is more likely to complicate the simple.『17words』

25、Instead, to simplify the process, we import an existing Java EE sample project that is later migrated.『17words』

26、In addition, application servers include tools (testing, device control...) and frameworks (messaging, offline, provisioning...) that simplify the development process.『19words』

27、To simplify the processing and memory requirements, lwIP of API have been cut, some data can not be copied.『19words』

28、Common materials, techniques, and tools simplify the development of new buildings and also simplify the training of those entering the field.『21words』

29、SVC Entry Edition supports attachment to servers using iSCSI protocols over IP networks, which can help reduce costs and simplify server configuration.『22words』

30、This paper introduces the adoption of WX-type adjustable injector to greatly simplify the traditional technological process of Sewage floatation in oil refinery.『22words』



31、To simplify the extraction of document text, the OmniFind/ICM integration can be run in "training mode" (not included in the sample annotator).『22words』

32、The fishbone-shaped model can be used to simplify the frame structure considering the influence of the beam rigidity on the structure system.『22words』

33、Though we've never had a catastrophic loss such as that, Gibbs and I did have a close call shortly before we decide to simplify.『24words』

34、It includes source and graphical editors for a variety of languages, wizards and built-in applications to simplify development, and tools and APIs to support deploying, running, and testing apps.『29words』

35、The passive serial configuration of FPGA is controlled by CPLD. EPROM is selected to store the configuration program. It can improve encryption of the CNC system, and simplify the circuit.『30words』

36、As algebra way and map way can not simplify the given large scale logical function, a new way using Ant Colony Algorithm to simplify large scale logical function is put forward.『31words』

37、But what really makes Linux shine in this environment is the ability to simplify the environment to make robot control system design accessible to anyone through higher level languages such as Python.『32words』

38、Part of Spring Modules, JCR module's main objective is to simplify development with the JSR-170 API in a similar manner to that of the ORM package from the main Spring distribution. Features include.『33words』

39、Style sheets, on the other hand, handle issues of presentation: fonts, colors and margins.The intent is to simplify sites, decrease download times and more easily present the same content to multiple types of devices.『34words』

40、The story tells us that we can only succeed step by step if we cut down the complexity and simplify it. Starting from the latest goal, we should first do what we can and then do what we want to do.『41words』

41、Beginning to learn to cut down on complexity and simplify, to seek truth from falsehood, more and more understand the importance of companionship, and three or two confidants walk hand in hand, warm dependence with relatives, those who have been around is the most precious.『45words』

42、Years of grinding, let us learn to simplify, after all, to find a quiet soul, is the true nature of life and the first heart, the time of precipitation, also let us know the peace of peace, learn to seek a true and pure in plain and calm, in peace and stability in the extraction of a sincere and good.『60words』

