keep up造句,用keep up怎么造句子(41句)

keep up造句,用keep up怎么造句子


2、Never fall behind, keep up『5words』

3、Unable to keep up efforts『5words』

4、keep pace with; keep up with『6words』

5、Pregnant employees struggled to keep up.『6words』

6、keep up the instalments on the house『7words』

7、I have a position to keep up.『7words』

8、But can they keep up the effort?『7words』

9、Ward Cunningham : Because you can't keep up.『8words』

10、Adopt membership system to keep up with the customer;『9words』

keep up造句,用keep up怎么造句子(41句)

keep up造句,用keep up怎么造句子

11、Don't lose heart,keep up and you'll succeed in time.『9words』

12、It's silly to spend money just to keep up appearances.『10words』

13、It can be tough to keep up with dietary trends.『10words』

14、Set up Aluminum Extrusion customer information folder and keep update.『10words』

15、In both industries demand has rocketed and supply cannot keep up.『11words』

16、Chen has some Suggestions on how to keep up with job postings.『12words』

17、And with surprising frankness, the FDA admitted that it cannot keep up.『12words』

18、Far better to keep fighting and keep up the pressure on the government.『13words』

19、Geese honk from behind to encourage those up front to keep up their speed.『14words』

20、It took a lot of time and energy to keep up with everyone's status updates.『15words』

keep up造句,用keep up怎么造句子(41句)

keep up造句,用keep up怎么造句子

21、And for the homeless, trying to keep up payments for those lodged in private housing.『15words』

22、This is how public health can not only keep up the momentum, but keep getting better.『16words』

23、Sales are going up year by year. We'll have to expand to keep up with demand.『16words』

24、One boyfriend even went on an arduous keep-fit regime in a bid to keep up with me.『17words』

25、What are your big goals at the moment? How can you keep up your motivation on them?『17words』

26、So long as the costs of raw materials keep up, prices of consumer good will keep up, too.『18words』

27、The surviving sailors managed to keep up for several hours and were eventually picked up by a lifeboat.『18words』

28、The CARDS keep us on our toes, constantly reminding us to keep up, stay flex-able, be change-able and response-able.『19words』

29、Whether one admits to it or not, to a certain degree, we all try to keep up with"the Jones".『19words』

30、Sparkling in Fuchsia, crystal Moonlight and clear crystal, they adore fashion and always keep up with the latest trends.『19words』

keep up造句,用keep up怎么造句子(41句)

keep up造句,用keep up怎么造句子

31、Yes girls need to keep up their appearance, but I don't feel they need to be so preoccupied with it.『20words』

32、Not while he's charging. Shouldn't your bodyguard be able to keep up with you on the way to a gunfight?『20words』

33、The legal world has always been slow to keep up with technology, and the international law of cybercrime is no exception.『21words』

34、Reform and opening-up accord with the aspirations of the Party membership and the people and keep up with the trend of the times.『23words』

35、Banks put up millions of dollars in risky mortgage loans to home buyers who later found they could not keep up with the payments.『24words』

36、Even wheneveryone else is tired out and ready to give up, Leo Ascendant is still readyto inspire everyone to keep up the good work.『24words』

37、Now the fight to ferret out the Rightists must go on without any let-up, and we must keep up the strong gale and torrential downpour.『25words』

38、But when he saw that Sagan couldn't keep up, "he literally picked me up like a sack of potatoes over his shoulder and carried me around," Sagan said.『28words』

39、Her estranged husband makes it difficult for her to keep a regular schedule with their children, but she persists, making sure her kids keep up even when they have to miss.『31words』

40、If you're a business owner, such as an accountant, you need to keep up on tax laws and any changes in your industry and you need to keep your entrepreneurial skills sharp.『32words』

41、If you have diabetes, it's important to keep up a steady intake of small portions of food throughout the day to keep your blood-sugar levels stable and reduce the risk of hypoglycemia.『32words』

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