

1、Fried chili pork chops『4words』

2、Chop shops stock chops.『4words』

3、“You like pork chops『4words』

4、Three pork chops, please.『4words』

5、He chops the machine about.『5words』

6、The dog licked its chops.『5words』

7、Prick pork chops with a fork.『6words』

8、Today's special is roast pork chops.『6words』

9、Life is full of chops and changes.『7words』

10、Please put the chops down to me.『7words』



11、Do you prefer lamb chops or pork chops『8words』

12、Shall I put the chops on ,Jim ?『8words』

13、Please put the chops down to my account.『8words』

14、Which do you prefer, lamb chops or pork chops『9words』

15、One who chops wood, especially one who chops down trees.『10words』

16、Carol screams and slams karate chops to Mary's bloodied nose.『10words』

17、The woman jubilantly door, carrying a bag and hand chops.『10words』

18、Set A has an apple pie and broiled lamb chops『10words』

19、Shall the ax boast itself against him who chops with it?『11words』

20、Employee: it is pork chops cooked with herbs, and served with pasta.『12words』



21、It chops military spending with little regard for Europe's (and NATO's) defence needs.『13words』

22、Macaroni cheese, smothered pork chops, collard greens, red beans and rice & BISCUITS.『13words』

23、She was a bad cook and could do little more than chops and steaks.『14words』

24、B: Yes. I need 2 pounds of ground beef, 5 lamb chops and 1 pound of sausage.『17words』

25、Five or six bullet points, reinforced when you saw him with vigorous hand-chops, summed up any argument.『17words』

26、Stewed lamb chops (38 RMB) were tender and soft, falling from the bone into the salty herb sauce.『18words』

27、So should the scientists and doctors give up busting their chops finding a cure because it seems "impossible"?『18words』

28、Samantha :I'd like some lamb chops, pork chops, and some beef, but I'm not sure which cuts I want yet.『20words』

29、Corn stover was delivered in three formats (square bales, dry chops and pellets) to the combined heat and power plant.『20words』

30、TopCoder chops up it projects into bite-sized chunks and then serves them up to a worldwide workforce of freelance coders.『20words』



31、When he walks through the door, he wants comfort food - grilled ham, broiled pork chops or a juicy rib-eye steak.『21words』

32、Main Course mainly is meat, such as steak, such as black pepper steak, Fried chicken drum, lamb chops, veal, fish steaks, and assorted seafood.『24words』

33、If you want to take your AE chops to the next level, you need to know your shortcuts like the back of your hand.『24words』

34、The offenders' crimes and sentences are stamped on the side of the canvases using official chops, or seals, that are a symbol of authority in China.『26words』

35、Eventually I quit lessons, but had developed chops enough to work in both piano bars (an underage piano man, traveling with my own snifter) and community theater orchestra pits.『29words』

36、“The world's most popular meat, it is consumed fresh in various cuts or preparations, including chops and sausage, or cured or smoked for ham, Bacon, dry sausage, or other products."『30words』

37、However, you have to keep in mind what I talked about at the beginning of this article: your applications are for real people. They're not about showing off your technical chops.『31words』

38、Bulk transport of biomass in the form of chops and pellets can provide a promising future biomass supply logistic system in the US, if the costs of pelleting and transport are minimized.『32words』

39、your pangs of hunger will be stilled by roasted mutton chops with cheese and fried pancakes, after which nobody will begrudge you the amount you care to eat together with your hosts.『32words』

40、Every time the Oriental Cloud chops a knife, his heart's pleasure also gathers one point. The huge black sickle that stands in the sky and the earth has retreated thousands of feet, and the ground has been ploughed out a deep trench.『42words』

41、“Between Carrie and the girl the steaks and chops came out all right, and canned goods did the rest for a while. Carrie studied the art of making biscuit, and soon reached the stage where she could show a plate of light, palatable morsels for her labour. "『48words』


上一篇:keep up造句,用keep up怎么造句子(41句)