

1、Browsers' inherent limitations.『3words』

2、inherent voltage regulation『3words』

3、inherent quantization error『3words』

4、inherent to the U-design『4words』

5、Emotionalism has its inherent rationality.『5words』

6、Any advanced research carries inherent risks.『6words』

7、Possessed as an essential characteristic; inherent.『6words』

8、Resilience is inherent to any successful species.『7words』

9、An inherent similarity between persons or things.『7words』

10、Weight is an inherent quality of matter.『7words』



11、There are great paradoxes inherent in this move.『8words』

12、Creative cognition is one inherent aspect of human cognition.『9words』

13、Believes that walking is an inherent part of golf.『9words』

14、Quality:degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfils requirements.『10words』

15、The inherent riskiness of the film business is one reason;『10words』

16、The DSSS system has inherent capability to counteract narrow-band interference.『10words』

17、Note that there are no inherent controls over SELinux user transitions.『11words』

18、The procedure has value of two aspects: externalism value and inherent value.『12words』

19、Life has inherent laws of its existence, and there is inherent rhythm in life.『14words』

20、There is inherent uncertainty and imprecision of the pairwise comparison process under fuzzy evaluation environment.『15words』



21、But we maintain there are certainly inherent dispositions, though we don't know whether they are genetic.『16words』

22、Instruction scheduling is used to exploit the instruction level parallelism (ILP) inherent in program through reordering its instructions.『18words』

23、There is no defeat except from within, no really insurmountable barrier save our own inherent weakness of purpose.『18words』

24、Due to the inherent distributed nature of managing system and managed system, distributed processing must be implemented in TMN.『19words』

25、This method possesses the desirable properties of high accuracy, inherent numerical stability (no wiggles), non numerical damping and algorithm simplicity.『20words』

26、Before all the acetone has evaporated, the still-plastic filament is stretched slightly to align the LONG. molecules and develop the inherent strength.『22words』

27、On one hand, the vast parallelism inherent in DNA computation brings new challenges to modern cryptography, which is based on hard mathematic problems.『23words』

28、Although people with cataracts see circular reflections, it has nothing to do with their inherent enlightened nature. Their inherent "seeing nature" is not defective.『24words』

29、Part I The man"s existence is an inherent tragical existence, which represents as fantasy, nihility, loneliness and the inherent schiz and antinomy of human nature."『25words』

30、If you're not convinced of the inherent value in taking a year off to explore interests, then consider its financial impact on future academic choices.『25words』



31、Each level of increasing photonic energy allows for the biological changes inherent in ascension to grow at a more rapid pace for all species upon earth.『26words』

32、Reflect the comfortable characteristic in the pottery art works:" image " is a kind of inherent spirit, the inner world of a kind of high character;『26words』

33、These are the special places where a unique confluence of cultural cross-pollination, inherent creativity and a critical mass of kick-ass musicianship coalesces to create something truly special.『27words』

34、The inherent value of an intangible asset relies on its existing profitability. The appraisal amount is determined by realized degree of the intangible's inherent value under specific condition.『28words』

35、Then, based on eliminating the internal force inherent in redundant mechanism, torque of each driving joint are calculated from the force acting on the terminal of the parallel-mechanism.『28words』

36、In the world of human beings, the inherent insight of growth has become an inevitable need of the times, because the quality we speak of is the inherent growth.『29words』

37、By the continuous reconstruction of inherent routes and the construction of new routes after the second world war, the LRT network of three metropolitan areas has been consummated little by little.『31words』

38、It introduces application of generalized inherent stress in strengthening building from strengthening inherent stress of bearing component、 block structure and relief of inherent stress, which can be referred for reinforcement design& construction.『32words』

39、Lehrer says he has taken all this on board, and despite his inherent shyness, when he's sitting next to strangers on a plane or at a conference, forces himself to initiate conversations.『32words』

40、When the share price of a listed company is much lower than its inherent value, there exists the risk of merger and acquisition, and the need of raise share price to defend the company image.『35words』

41、 Those who are worthy and humble are not worthy of honor or disgrace. Value is inherent, and base is inherent. It is not long since the villain is so expensive that he forgets his inferiority.『36words』

