

1、Another night, another demise.『4words』

2、the demise of a newspaper『5words』

3、文章《Nombred’orsuitedeFibonacciet autres grilles demise enpagepourledesignweb》(法语)更深入的探讨了斐波那契序列数字在网页设计中的应用。『5words』

4、Forecasting the euro's demise was premature.『6words』

5、With the dollar's demise, import prices skyrocketed.『7words』

6、Stupid? This is called Early demise reborn!『7words』

7、Stepping forth the cure for soul's demise.『7words』

8、Nobody should relish the demise of once-great titles.『8words』

9、Brood about death and you hasten your demise.『8words』

10、Detente only became possible after the Soviet Union's demise.『9words』



11、His demise is as shrouded in mystery as ever.『9words』

12、He was captured and executed shortly after her demise.『9words』

13、We remark that time "flies" as we hurtle toward our inevitable demise.『12words』

14、Howrey's boss, Robert Ruyak, blamed two new trends for his firm's demise.『12words』

15、Just as Detroit's rise was about more than business, so too is its demise.『14words』

16、Today, Monroe remains an enduring icon, even over 50 years after her untimely demise.『14words』

17、But Libyans, who have been waiting for months for Gadhafi's demise, erupted in deafening celebrations.『15words』

18、“""demise charter"" means a charter party by which a ship is chartered or let by demise"『16words』

19、a declaration by both the owner and demise charter that the demise charter is a qualified person;『17words』

20、The internet also helped to hasten his demise, after his famous post-speech shriek was widely mocked online.『17words』



21、Central planning has, at least in part, been blamed for the current demise of state-owned enterprises .『17words』

22、Indeed, most analysts believe that some kind of environmental degradation underlies the demise of many extinct salmon populations.『18words』

23、It should be added that it was also very nearly the 1st anniversary of the demise of Xin-er's mother.『19words』

24、This urge is understandable and noble: thousands have lost virtually all their retirement savings with the demise of Enron stock.『20words』

25、Steve Jobs did a masterful job of rescuing Apple from near-certain demise and is clearly a driving force behind the company.『21words』

26、There is no point whatsoever in carefully placing our valuable artifacts in paper or card that is going to hasten their demise.『22words』

27、In recent years, we have all been exposed to dire media reports concerning the impending demise of global coal and oil reserves.『22words』

28、The study, by scientists in the U.S. and Britain, added the previously unknown 12th century temperature plunge as a possible trigger for the colonies' demise.『25words』

29、the ship or any share in or part of the ship is transferred or transmitted; or the rights of the demise charter under the demise charter are assigned;『28words』

30、a statement that pursuant to the terms of the demise charter party the body corporate is able to register the ship in its name as the demise charter;『28words』



31、He does not mourn the demise of that world liberated from court etiquette, he says, he can call someone an "idiot" if he wants, instead of "Your Excellency".『28words』

32、Burned into Venezuelans' collective memory is "Black Friday" in 1983, an earlier devaluation that marked the demise of what had been for decades one of the world's most stable currencies.『30words』

33、Children's impulses haven't changed much in recent decades. But social forces-from the demise of home cooking to the rise of fast food and video technology- have converged to make them heavier.『31words』

34、死亡之黑灯 中文誓言: 至黑之夜遮天日, 此消彼长暗吞光。 剜心摄魂汝命毙, 亡灵复出黑手役! 英文誓言: The Blackest Night falls from the skies. The darkness grows as all light dies. We crave your hearts and your demise. By my Black Hand-- The dead shall rise!『36words』

35、The great deer World War I destroyed the main force of the Qin Dynasty. Since then, the Xiao Dynasty in Xianyang has become the turtle in the urn. The demise of the Qin Dynasty is only a matter of time.『40words』

36、“The owner or demise charter of a ship in relation to which any representative person is for the time being appointed , in the event of any change in the identity, or in the address, of the representative person, "『40words』

37、Nothing in this section shall be construed as making the representative person appointed in relation to a ship liable in any legal proceedings (whether civil or criminal) for any act or omission of the owner or demise charter of the ship.『41words』

38、Manchester's clubbing craze began with the hype of the Hacienda nightclub, which reigned from the dawn of punk in 1976 to the demise of acid house, attracting wide-eyed ravers from around the globe for a taste of the latest music sensations.『41words』

39、Of the300 books that have been published about Marilyn since her death, fifty are full-length accounts of only the last week in her life and the multiple, conflicting, contradictory and often downright fantastical conspiracy theories that have grown up around her demise.『42words』

40、In the early Western Han Dynasty, the capital of Fujian and Vietnam was here, but after the demise of Fujian and Vietnam, the local people were mostly moved to the Huaihe River Basin, which had little impact on the construction of Fuzhou City.『43words』

41、“The demise charter of a ship registered by virtue of section 11 (1) (b) shall notify the Registrar, in writing, of the actual date of termination of the demise charter as soon as practicable and in any case within 7 days after that date."『44words』

