

1、They planted peach trees.『4words』

2、standing timber; uncut trees.『4words』

3、Some just clone trees.『4words』

4、Those trees are blossoming.『4words』

5、Some shaped like trees.『4words』

6、He was buried in trees.『5words』

7、The rain revived the trees.『5words』

8、Raccoons sleep in hollow trees.『5words』

9、Where are the coconut trees『5words』

10、Cutting trees sprout up immediately.『5words』



11、People cut the sticks from trees.『6words』

12、There are apple trees and pear trees.『7words』

13、The trees being planted are apple trees.『7words』

14、A shrill noise quivered through the trees.『7words』

15、The birds were trilling in the trees.『7words』

16、A line of trees fringed the pool.『7words』

17、They may be herbs, shrubs, or trees.『7words』

18、Deciduous trees: Hardwood trees which shed their leaves.『8words』

19、They are orange trees, apple trees and peach trees.『9words』

20、There were apple trees, orange trees and pear trees.『9words』



21、Shrubs and small trees growing beneath taller trees; underbrush.『9words』

22、Genus of tropical Asiatic trees having large solitary flowers.『9words』

23、type genus of the Caricaceae; tropical American trees: papayas.『9words』

24、On trees, birds build nests, under trees, ants are busy.『10words』

25、“Hardwood trees are deciduous trees, except in the warmest regions. "『11words』

26、Here are green trees, big trees towering in the sky, like soldiers standing here.『14words』

27、Light trees, dense sky paintings, green broad-leaved trees, block by block stacked together, sparse.『14words』

28、There are several white pine trees in the courtyard, and several old cypress trees.『14words』

29、Small trees will grow big, big trees will grow old, and old trees will wither.『15words』

30、They must be meticulous in planting trees, and small trees will grow into towering trees.『15words』



31、Highway greening trees, courtyard ornamental trees, square ornamental trees, everything, add luster to our life.『15words』

32、I did some detective work and discovered that trees were sometimes used as "wishing trees" .『16words』

33、“If you cut down more trees than you grow, you run out of trees," writes Gilding.『16words』

34、 I looked around in fear. I could not see a man. Only trees, bare trees, wet trees by rain.『20words』

35、And while the beetles only attack mature trees, entomologist Jesse Logan argues that young trees can't do what the mature trees do.『22words』

36、Shentao forest is indeed well-known, where ancient trees are towering, trees are twined, tall trees are upright and neat, stand tall and upright.『23words』

37、There were several willow trees by the pond and the shades of the trees were being reflected by the water surface. These charming trees.『24words』

38、Two osmanthus trees, three plum trees and two rows of evergreen trees were planted inside, and the song of birds came from the branches.『24words』

39、 In the middle and late May, the fruit trees blossomed. The orchard is beautiful. Pear trees blossom, apple trees blossom and grapes blossom.『24words』

40、There are bamboo forests and woods on both sides of the park. There are all kinds of trees, including banana trees, maple trees, ginkgo trees, boxwood trees and so on.『30words』

