

1、truly yours; yours truly『4words』

2、You'd better talk truly.『4words』

3、Ignorance is truly bliss.『4words』

4、Only actions truly speak.『4words』

5、(archaic) truly or confidentially.『4words』

6、It is truly Soul electrifying.『5words』

7、It's truly an indescribable experience.『5words』

8、The possibilities are truly infinite.『5words』

9、Now that's truly elastic computing!『5words』

10、I am truly the King.『5words』



11、But are these books truly helpful?『6words』

12、Beloved is a truly remarkable work.『6words』

13、Is core metrics definition truly bottom-up?『6words』

14、God will truly become your Heavenly Father.『7words』

15、Now really and truly it was finished.『7words』

16、However, Guernsey is a truly international captive domicile.『8words』

17、This is art on a truly biblical scale.『8words』

18、It was a truly mortifying and disgusting experience.『8words』

19、In other words, be truly kind, and truly thoughtful.『9words』

20、You got a one percent chance that is truly catastrophic.『10words』



21、But can anyone truly love the Phantom of the Opera?『10words』

22、Up until then, I hadn't truly realized just how expensive an education can be.『14words』

23、Apple's first truly successful portable computer — the PowerBook — was introduced in 1991.『14words』

24、Learn to enlighten, than, we can truly benefit, truly, benefit human beings in the world.『15words』

25、There are no physical properties that go with the statement 'I am truly at rest.'『15words』

26、Cindel and Mace returned to the ship to find themselves truly stranded without their parents.『15words』

27、So, is this truly news or is it merely a reinvention of an age-old message?『15words』

28、He is truly rich who desires nothing and he is truly poor who covets all .『16words』

29、There is never yet a truly great man that is not at the same time truly virtuous .『18words』

30、While they spend part of their life as ordinary single-celled creatures, they sometimes grow into truly alien forms.『18words』



31、At the same time, he became more truly serious, more truly grave, more sure of his thought and his faith.『20words』

32、It's it truly great to be back here in Paris. It is truly great to be seeing so many old friends.『21words』

33、No matter how close you are to someone, it is an illusion to think they truly understand you or you truly understand them.『23words』

34、“So that men will say, Truly there is a reward for righteousness; truly there is a God who is judge on the earth."『23words』

35、Only in this way can we have a literature and art that are truly for the workers, peasants and soldiers, a truly proletarian literature and art.『26words』

36、In this article, we'll take a look at 100 truly outstanding business card designs which show that there are truly no limits to the design of a business card.『29words』

37、They have, in the country of Pontarlier, whither you are going, Monsieur Valjean, a truly patriarchal and truly charming industry, my sister. It is their cheese-dairies, which they call fruitieres.『30words』

38、“I’m trying to tell people, ” says Graham, “people like Daniel Woods and Adam Ondra, who are just physically stronger than everyone else, chipped routes are trulytrulytruly not that hard.”『32words』

39、And in fact, across our research centers, in three of them, we also hire a lot of anthropologist and work practice specialist to really truly glyphic our customers and truly understand what they need.『34words』

40、Because Ron Paul is one of the few men in public life who truly understands the problem and is willing to fight to cure it, it is truly a pleasure for me to write the preface to this booklet.『39words』

