

1、I wasn't outside anymore.『4words』

2、I'm not happy anymore『4words』

3、Jake: no, not anymore.『4words』

4、There's no respect anymore.『4words』

5、i am not happy anymore『5words』

6、We are not mysterious anymore.『5words』

7、I couldn't keep up anymore."『5words』

8、Are we not pretending anymore『5words』

9、We aren’t in Kansas anymore, Toto.『6words』

10、Torrid database relationships: "It's not exclusive anymore".『7words』



11、I don't ride my motorbike much anymore.『7words』

12、Soybeans: They're Not Just For Tofu anymore.『7words』

13、He promised not to be lazy anymore.『7words』

14、That means I'm not a small seed anymore.『8words』

15、People aren't shocked much anymore. Parents aren't alarmed much anymore.『10words』

16、I'm not jealous anymore. I'm not thinking anymore. I'm tired.『10words』

17、I guess there's not much of a Jazz scene anymore.『10words』

18、You just can't afford to shop at the store anymore.『10words』

19、I can't bear the air pollution in this city anymore.『10words』

20、They used to be true, but it isn't true anymore.『10words』



21、We don't need this anymore, and we don't need this anymore.『11words』

22、At 75, the wife did not ask the husband anymore, she was very sick.『14words』

23、Well, if you do not have anymore plans of loaning then you can disregard it.『15words』

24、The New York restaurant business is in trouble. No one dines anymore. They just eat.『15words』

25、According to this reason, IF you deduct from this argument, computers doesn't seem that fearful anymore.『16words』

26、The post office used to have lots of weeds in the flower bed, but not anymore『16words』

27、Residents like Gonzalo Almaguer, a 62-year-old retiree, say they hardly go out anymore, especially at night.『16words』

28、 You're not satisfied with this one anymore, but you can't find it in the world anymore.『17words』

29、I will tell them to return and I will tell them that you are not sinning anymore.『17words』

30、But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore, "the child continued warily".『17words』



31、Users “don’t care about the technology anymore, ” says Jim McGregor, chief technology strategist at researcher In-Stat.『17words』

32、My children used to distribute ads. in nearby shopping centres, but we don't need to do that anymore.『18words』

33、It has enabled the company to dispense with its business premises altogether, following the realization that it just didn't need them anymore.『22words』

34、It was okay! Now that I know about all the good things ants do, I m not so afraid of them anymore.『22words』

35、Making clay as a ware, you use the ware but not clay anymore. Only because of no clay anymore, the ware is the ware.『24words』

36、The young man looked at his heart, not perfect anymore but more beautiful than ever, since love from the old man's heart flowed into his.『25words』

37、You have to spoil yourself, give yourself the best support when you need it most. Like when you're depressed, when you feel you really cannot live anymore, cannot go on anymore.『31words』

38、Is you pale my waiting, satirize my persistence. I don't want to struggle for the past. I don't want to worry about missing anymore. I don't want to be humble for you anymore.『33words』

39、They invented the paper machine so they could mass-produce paper — it didn't have to be handmade anymore — and they invented wood pulp paper so it didn't have to be made out of cloth anymore.『36words』

40、Sometimes, you give up someone, not because you don't care anymore, but because you realize that he doesn't care anymore. Only now can I understand that a person can feel sad, without emotion, without words, without expression.『37words』


下一篇:put up造句,用put up怎么造句子(40句)