

1、He gladly agrees.『3words』

2、I'll undertake it gladly.『4words』

3、Malcolm gladly accepted the invitation.『5words』

4、Some accepted quickly and gladly.『5words』

5、They accept the invitation gladly.『5words』

6、He gladly set pen to paper.『6words』

7、My great travail so gladly spent.『6words』

8、Good boys go gladly to school.『6words』

9、I' ll gladly let him do it.『7words』

10、The counsellors will gladly baby-sit during their free time.『9words』



11、He gladly consented to the extension of the loan.『9words』

12、and gladly would learn, and gladly teach. (Chaucer, British poet)『10words』

13、When I offered her my seat, she accepted it gladly.『10words』

14、For ye suffer fools gladly, seeing ye yourselves are wise.『10words』

15、If the offer is genuine I will gladly accept it.『10words』

16、If that is what you wish, then I will gladly be at your service.『14words』

17、Looking up, the face is full of silver light, gladly looking at the moon.『14words』

18、She then gladly takes her share in anything that brought cheerfulness to the young people.『15words』

19、Miss Ley would gladly have escaped an afternoon of smalltalk with the notabilities of Leanham.『15words』

20、Nobody shall compel me to let her go; I will gladly fight it out in court.『16words』



21、Still, You gladly listen to me, gladly respond to me, Your true love, You reveal to me.『17words』

22、A lot of people talk gladly with him, teach him the thing, stay to give him deliciously.『17words』

23、If you will tell me the height of this building, I will gladly give you this barometer!『17words』

24、The villagers, anxious for their thousand rupees, gladly connived at the fiction that she had shot the tiger.『18words』

25、The U.S. Olympians presented the president a U.S. Olympic team jersey printed with "Bush 08", which Bush gladly accepted.『19words』

26、Everything, bitter or sweet, see the light of bitterness, gladly accept every loss and gift, life will be better.『19words』

27、If he could have infected the whole lot of them with leprosy or syphilis, how gladly he would have done so!『21words』

28、Peter was lamenting Edward King's death, and he claimed that he would gladly have spared an entire slew of corrupt Anglican priests.『22words』

29、If you feel that the PDE templating system is lacking in certain areas, we gladly take feedback in the form of Bugzilla entries.『23words』

30、The buxom young country women with big buttocks would gladly wait on a man all night, and could make him feel at home.『23words』



31、He would gladly have picked up a useless hempen rope from the ground, for it would comfort him to feel that his hands were not entirely empty.『27words』

32、“I should gladly settle for a quieter one. " The man called Haldon studied Tyrion with cool grey eyes before turning back to Illyrio. "You have some chests for us?"『30words』

33、I imagined that the noodles would not be bad, and would gladly have a chance to go to the boat and have something to drink, but of course they could not.『31words』

34、We have thrown all the light we could acquire upon the portent , and would gladly, now that it has done its office, erase its deep print out of our own brain ;『33words』

35、He would gladly have sacrificed them in order to keep the much more virtuous and pure Lycidas -a gruesome proposal, but it's a gruesome proposal that suggests a primitive desire for a quid pro quo.『35words』

36、时不与我,你无法面对现实,于是……你要去别处寻求出路,但重要的是,我愿意为你这朋友两肋**。 When it's like everything's slipping away… You don't want to believe it, so you look for answers somewhere else, but… well… the point is, I would gladly step in front of traffic for you.『35words』

37、Here and there her eyes gladly picked out a familiar store which had partly survived shell and fire and had been repaired, the fresh red of new brick glaring bright against the smut of the old walls.『37words』

38、If we design and construct products in such a way that the people who use them achieve their goals, these people will be satisfied, effective, and happy and will gladly pay for the products and recommend that others do the same.『41words』

39、Whenever the night falls, I gladly go out of the open air, stand high and look at the moon in my hometown, the bright moonlight spreads all over the earth, the moonlight is full of mountains, and my heart is full.『41words』

40、She made several attempts to find other employment, but her dowdy appearance made her look old and inefficient. For the first time in her life Lottie would gladly have worked for nothing to have some place to go, something to do with her day.『44words』


上一篇:cable car造句,用cable car怎么造句子(40句)