

1、They spurned the worthless rags.『5words』

2、in rags; in poor clothes『5words』

3、 The beggar dressed in rags.『6words』

4、The children were dressed in rags.『6words』

5、The King said, "Remove these rags."『6words』

6、Thank Heavens you're not in rags.『6words』

7、To hitch her rags above her ankles.『7words』

8、A man who collects and sells rags.『7words』

9、a poor beggar dressed in rags and tatters『8words』

10、This man in rags was indeed Ulysses, the king.『9words』



11、He made paper with bark, ropes, rags and so on.『10words』

12、Norr hours, days, months, which are the rags of time.『10words』

13、He went from rags to riches in only three years.『10words』

14、Another woman came down the path, grey-haired and in rags.『10words』

15、Instead of the rags to riches life, imagine the riches to rags life.『13words』

16、The rags that masquerade in London as newspapers portray him as a side-kick.『13words』

17、The wind roared once in the forest and pushed their rags against them.『13words』

18、There it clothes itself in word-masks, in metaphor-rags. In this guise it becomes horrible.『14words』

19、It's pity to see him in rags and get wet through in the rain.『14words』

20、THE story of Ireland is like a fairy tale: from rags to riches and back to rags again.『18words』



21、It was a boy, bareheaded, ill shod, and clothed in coarse plebeian garments that were falling to rags.『18words』

22、For the heavy drinker and the glutton will come to poverty, And drowsiness will clothe one with rags.『18words』

23、Love, all alike, no season knows nor clime, nor hours, days, months, which are the rags of time.『18words』

24、Make sure that oily rags and easily combustible materials are stored away from fire hazards and are removed appropriately.『19words』

25、This is he who had never known aught but rags for raiment, kicks for comfort, and offal for diet!『19words』

26、If you go from rags to riches overnight, can you make sure that you have the power to hold the wealth?『21words』

27、There are a lot of materials which can be used for making paper, but the superiority ones are soft wood, cotton and rags.『23words』

28、There are lots of places for germs to hang out in the kitchen including the drain in your sink the countertop and the sponges rags scrubbers.『26words』

29、Many of these are very specialized, but the preponderance of paper making has been from soft wood and cotton or rags, with the bulk being wood-based.『26words』

30、It is a foolish loyalty to be faithful to the rag, to cry for the rags, to make the rags as gods, and to serve the rags.『27words』



31、The fence of the garden is nothing more than square sticks, dead branches, and pieces of colorful rags, but I think that's the essence of the garden.『27words』

32、Eventually, papermakers were able to invent a variety of mechanical and chemical techniques engineer decent-quality paper out of pulped wood, a supply that (unlike cloth rags) appeared limitless.『28words』

33、'He was a seaman,' said George Merry, who, bolder than the rest, had gone up close, and was examining the rags of clothing. 'Leastways, this is good sea-cloth.'『28words』

34、Without exquisite facial features and taste, without strong background, without affluent life, what we can do is try our best to built our amazing future, from rags to riches.『29words』

35、The SV-pumps are equipped with Vortex impellers, undoubtedly the best non-clog impellers ever invented for the handling of mud, raw sewage, viscous liquids, rags, wood chips and other solids.『29words』

36、She was barefooted and in rags, as on the day when she had so resolutely entered his chamber, only her rags were two months older now, the holes were larger, the tatters more sordid.『34words』

37、Even if you go green and just use vinegar and water and old rags to clean, the vinegar still costs you something and you may want to re-use and wash those rags (at your expense).『35words』

38、The unlikeliest materials -- a stick, a bunch of rags, a flower -- were the puppets of Pearl's witchcraft, and, without undergoing any outward change, became spiritually adapted to whatever drama occupied the stage of her inner world.『38words』

39、Let other soldiers limp by in rags with their feet tied up in sacks and strips of carpet, but not Ashley. He should come home on a prancing horse, dressed in fine clothes and shining boots, a plume in his hat.『41words』

40、As the imperial commissioner was arriving in a minute, there was no time to remedy the omission by taking the board down. Being extremely quick-witted, Xiao dipped a big ball of rags in ink and threw it up at the board high above.『43words』

