

1、greatgreat grandfather『2words』

2、great diurnal range『3words』

3、A great-grandchild. A great-grandson.『4words』

4、Power carries great responsibilty.『4words』

5、Peter's astonishment was great.『4words』

6、Behold! I look great『4words』

7、Delicious and great value!『4words』

8、Great honour is great burden.『5words』

9、Great design require great consideration.『5words』

10、Great talkers are great liars.『5words』



11、The talisman holds great power…『5words』

12、He makes a great lasagne.『5words』

13、We're so adorable. We're great.『5words』

14、His great charm was attentiveness.『5words』

15、Tom is great at chemistry.『5words』

16、make great strides; make great improvements『6words』

17、A great mother raised a great hero.『7words』

18、Every great team has a great goalkeeper.『7words』

19、A great fortune is a great slavery『7words』

20、A great screaming, and then, slip away.『7words』



21、Books are insignificant, only life is great.『7words』

22、A great magazine, a great partner, great people.『8words』

23、We have had great trials and great persecutions.『8words』

24、The great love and great achievements involve great risk.『9words』

25、The great developing of west China need great funds.『9words』

26、The great Greek grope growers grow great Greek grapes.『9words』

27、We've great hopes for OCW but there are great challenges.『10words』

28、By viewing great art, the great unwashed would become civilized.『10words』

29、In great moments, teams play great football and score great goals.『11words』

30、Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk.『12words』



31、Great politicians have great talents and great achievements for generations to come.『12words』

32、He has five grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren, 14 great-great grandchildren and one great-great-great grandchild.『13words』

33、A great logo essentially boils down to two things: great concept and great execution.『14words』

34、She had known great things and great people, but she had never played a great part.『16words』

35、The reason why a great man is great is that he resolves to be a great man.『17words』

36、About one hundred years ago, your greatgreatgreat grandfather, John Hay, was the United State's Secretary of State.『19words』

37、Great men become great men because of their great ideas and wisdom, not because of their lawless tyranny and evil.『20words』

38、Great coat, great design details. Love the sleeve, the pattern, the silhouette. A complete outfit built around one great piece.『20words』

39、a great juicy steak; a great multitude; the great auk; a great old oak; a great ocean liner; a great delay.『21words』

