

1、growing strength『2words』

2、We are still growing.『4words』

3、Economic nationalism is growing.『4words』

4、She's growing up fast.『4words』

5、irrigation in growing period『4words』

6、Developers' ambitions are growing.『4words』

7、My cold is growing worse.『5words』

8、Frustration and mistrust are growing.『5words』

9、Their descendants are growing still.『5words』

10、a growing divergence of opinion.『5words』



11、So why the growing chasm?『5words』

12、I'd better start growing my hair.『6words』

13、LinkedIn is today's fastest growing recruiting company.『7words』

14、A growing child needs plenty of sleep.『7words』

15、Threat is growing in scale and sophistication.『7words』

16、South Australians feel this with growing bitterness.『7words』

17、Growing old takes time, growing up takes experience.『8words』

18、Investors' interest in hedging tail risk is growing.『8words』

19、These see growing Chinese intimidation over the claims.『8words』

20、Is growing wheat here as difficult as growing rice?『9words』



21、Shantou is a city growing out of a harbor.『9words』

22、The reasons for the growing spread of BU remain unclear.『10words』

23、Should people take action to control the growing deer populations?『10words』

24、Stalagtites are growing downwards, contrary to stalagmites which are growing upwards.『11words』

25、Growing old is a blessing when you're growing closer to God.『11words』

26、“There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up.『11words』

27、We have seen that the growing accumulation of capital implies its growing concentration.『13words』

28、Spring is growing, wheat seedlings are growing, canals, squeezed wild herbs grow wildly.『13words』

29、In a modern society, increasing economic development, potential readers consumer base is growing.『13words』

30、Yet, on some measures, countries with slow-growing populations make a bigger contribution to global warming than fast-growing ones.『18words』



31、So if the new normal was slow growing employment, the new new normal is a slow growing Labour force.『19words』

32、“People have a growing awareness of the damage caused by environmental pollution and a growing sense of rights," he said.『20words』

33、The plant survival rate was 95 % in simplex growing medium as vermiculite or sawdust, higher than in other growing media.『21words』

34、If a person refuses to suffer losses everywhere, he will take advantage everywhere. Therefore, his delusion is growing and his arrogance is growing.『23words』

35、We have gone from our GDP growing more than twice as fast as our debt, to our debt growing at nearly quadruple the speed of our GDP.『27words』

36、There are extreme energy changes pulsing through the universe at every level and, of course, we are all part of the growing process and the growing pains.『27words』

37、There are 5 stages, such as seedling stage, early stage, peak stage, late stage and rest stage in its growing season. The annual growing season has 245 days.『28words』

38、Implementing the industrialization of fast growing forest modified plate enlarged the application field of fast growing forest plate. The quantity demanded is large and the prospect is bright.『28words』

39、Such a movie called "growing pains" seems full of knowledge and experience. So it does because all of us have growing pains and also growing gains in our lives.『29words』

