

1、wirehaired pointing griffon『3words』

2、finger pointing manipulatio『3words』

3、referring or pointing to something.『5words』

4、“ wonder hills, he said, pointing.『6words』

5、Beam pointing error of a radome『6words』

6、She is pointing to the cards.『6words』

7、The compass needle was pointing north.『6words』

8、That corresponds to normal vector pointing up.『7words』

9、A wedge - shaped charge pointing downward.『7words』

10、“There," she said, pointing at the shapeless mass.『8words』



11、“Nice view," he said feebly, pointing toward with window.『9words』

12、pointing off the hundredths place in a column of figures.『10words』

13、Angular momentum is pointing straight at me, away from you.『10words』

14、She asked doubtfully, pointing at the black egg on the plate.『11words』

15、Queen: (sternly pointing mirror say) how can you be back? ! !『12words』

16、The pointing function of deictic expressions plays a key role in successful communication.『13words』

17、He spun around in midair so feet were pointing away from the rail.『13words』

18、Ice crystals jut out of the frozen ground, pointing to the stormy clouds.『13words』

19、The influence of pointing distance and pointing mode on the choice of spatial demonstratives『14words』

20、In the combatant grade the swords were positioned between the arms of the Cross pointing upward.『16words』



21、You ended up doing the work by tediously working the mouse. Pointing and clicking, pointing and clicking.『17words』

22、The first with a TFT screen the first with palm rests and had an integrated pointing device.『17words』

23、Eventually someone noticed that the lodestones were better at pointing out real directions, leading to the first compasses.『18words』

24、It's worth pointing out that even without SSL renegotiation enabled, attackers can still use THC-SSL-DOS successfully against servers.『18words』

25、The company culture must switch from these pointing-time innovations to continuous pipeline of innovations from everywhere and everyone.『18words』

26、And, in fact, if you try to follow your normal vector that's pointing up, it's pointing up, up, up.『19words』

27、And, if I look carefully at the orientation convention, Stokes I have to take the normal vector pointing up again.『20words』

28、Developers typically have a single private workspace initially pointing at the collective set of latest versions of the Active Development Line.『21words』

29、s1 Here's s1, it's pointing to this array, bracket I is bracket zero initially so it's pointing at capital F. Same deal.『22words』

30、Nowadays, they are like a group of brothers-in-law who are traveling in the mountains and rivers, pointing out and pointing out, talking and laughing.『24words』



31、This article elaborates the solution of asymptote of rational function curve, pointing out both the common way of finding limit value and the elementary way.『25words』

32、The design way and pointing out some problems which need to be noticed by supplying some practical examples of solenoid in safety interlock is introduced.『25words』

33、A spatially attitude constraints monitor method was described, and an attitude pointing mode reconfiguration algorithm was proposed to solve the constraints problem with stabilization pointing mode.『26words』

34、You can change this icon by specifying a configuration parameter named "pda-icon" and pointing it to an image under the document root of the portal server.『26words』

35、“Now, Russia's oil infrastructure is pointing east — and its gas infrastructure will also soon be pointing east, as well as west," said Liam Halligan of Prosperity Capital.『28words』

36、At the first place, this paper analyses the current situation of research on the evaluation of the natural science fund projects home and abroad, pointing out its problems.『28words』

37、Pointing to a spot on her dress, she said, "Right here is where my mommy kissed my dress, and here," pointing to another spot, "and here is another kiss, and here, and here."『33words』

38、The pointing unit is designed to enable a mouse pointer to move on a monitor screen depending on the extent of sliding of the pointing unit along the curved surface of the support unit.『34words』

39、Walking into the Toronto government building, I saw a spacious hall, no staff, and it was hard to find a uniformed man. He looked at the tourists leisurely, occasionally pointing east, pointing west, like a tour guide.『37words』

