

1、That's a filthy lie.『4words』

2、That's a filthy lie!『4words』

3、I loathe the filthy natives.『5words』

4、in a filthy unclean manner.『5words』

5、It's absolutely filthy in here.『5words』

6、Sheep are also quite filthy.『5words』

7、make soiled, filthy, or dirty.『5words』

8、His hair was unkempt and filthy.『6words』

9、The water is filthy with fecal matter.『7words』

10、She just responded: "you filthy faggot". FML.『7words』



11、A filthy, disgusting, or morally corrupt place.『7words』

12、The guy is always telling filthy jokes.『7words』

13、He looked around the filthy room in distaste.『8words』

14、You can't bribe me;I don't want you filthy lucre.『9words』

15、That filthy racket should be the first thing we ban.『10words』

16、“It is a filthy and vile book", said the priest.『10words』

17、Industrial Applications of YS-SR1275 Anti-filthy Corrosion Inhibitor for High-pressure Air-cooled Units『11words』

18、Woe to her that is filthy and polluted, to the oppressing city!『12words』

19、I come in with my filthy plaster cast, in sweat socks .『12words』

20、“Never go into the company of a filthy Punch any more," said Mrs. Jarley.『14words』



21、Except the goodness of Roy, all our assumed benefactions are nothing but filthy lies.除了你的善良,所有我们假设的善行都是肮脏的谎言。『14words』

22、He looks filthy and ACTS crazy so I guess he fits right in with the fashionistas.『16words』

23、The Cross of Honour and the Laurel Crown will not be bought and sold for filthy lucre.『17words』

24、Picture ea college girl named Gloria, climbing up high on a ladder, struggling to clean that filthy ceiling.『18words』

25、He had an almost overwhelming temptation to shout a string of filthy words at the top of his voice.『19words』

26、The Save: So Gibbo's been a naughty boy and had some filthy, expletive-peppered rants splashed all over the news.『19words』

27、Instead, he found himself trying to sell Packard trucks and living in a filthy 6 tenement 7 in Hell's Kitchen.『20words』

28、New York almost collapsed in the 1970s. By the early 1980s, the streets of New York were still rugged, filthy and dangerous.『22words』

29、Separate fluid has not distinct impact to the sewage disposal plant, and the second pollution caused by the filthy slush has been eliminated.『23words』

30、Let the evildoer still do evil, and the filthy still be filthy, and the righteous still do right, and the holy still be holy.『24words』



31、Hunger stared down from the smokeless chimneys, and started up from the filthy street that had no offal, among its refuse, of anything to eat.『25words』

32、Kao Sheng says he was in a filthy temper in the library this morning-frightened Mr. Mo from the factory out of his wits, he did!『25words』

33、The water under the bridge is now low and filthy, looking almost chemically polluted, with lots of litter thrown onto the dry ground just below the bridge.『27words』

34、Passing ball cleaning pipe technique is a very effective method to clean up the impurity, wax and filthy and to exclude the existing liquid in oil gas transmission pipe.『29words』

35、Women who have a taste of human, but not sophisticated, do not utilitarian heart, all kinds of insight into the human world to drift with the tide rather than filthy.『30words』

36、They threaded their way across the crowded room and unpacked their trays on to the metal-topped table, on one corner of which someone had left a pool of stew, a filthy liquid mess that had the appearance of vomit.『39words』

37、Moreover, because the reactionaries of both countries have told many lies to their peoples and played many filthy tricks, that is, spread much bad propaganda and done many bad deeds, the ties between the two peoples are far from close.『40words』

38、My sister found Jake roaming the streets. He was all skin and bones, his fur was matted,and he was filthy and exhausted. The only thing shiny about him was his big eyes.They looked just like the eyes of a deer.『40words』

39、Two meals of congee and one of rice, a 12-hour working day, a speed-up, additional tasks in the boss' house, filthy living conditions and inhuman treatment -- this is the lot of these "machines" which are made, after all, of flesh and blood, not of steel.『46words』

