

1、雷诺兹最近在华尔街附近散发传单,并在Businessweek.com的商学院*(B-school forums)上面为自己的生意刊登广告(自从违背服务条款后被撤除了)。『2words』

2、Samples, documentation, MSDN, forums,...『4words』

3、Moderate your comments and forums.『5words』

4、fund-raising activities and interactive forums『5words』

5、Online discussion forums using IBM forums.『6words』

6、Posts on discussion forums get ignored.『6words』

7、More searching in the forums is required.『7words』

8、Interact and contribute on forums and blogs.『7words』

9、Be very careful when using forums to advertise.『8words』

10、Finding answers to questions on the discussion forums.『8words』



11、Internet forums can facilitate the search for a spouse.『9words』

12、Spam postings on forums, issue trackers, and other discussion sites.『10words』

13、Interact with browser and tool vendors in newsgroups and forums.『10words』

14、XML zone discussion forums: Participate in any of several XML-centered forums.『11words』

15、Forums: Another excellent way to find your customers is by using forums.『12words』

16、I asked for help around the forums, but had Internet access problems.『12words』

17、Several forums exist both to offer such services and parcel out jobs.『12words』

18、How it plays on Internet forums and in evangelical sermons is anyone's guess.『13words』

19、This will enable online event scheduling and administration, electronic bulletin boards, blogs and discussion forums.『15words』

20、With limited contact with native speakers, I also write, especially on Internet blogs and forums.『15words』



21、Currently most of the hunter discussions on the forums are about SV-MM-BM differences or PvP however.『16words』

22、The support of Interface21, fantastic forums, active mailing lists, and the track record of the community are unrivaled.『18words』

23、The support page contains links to support forums and a large variety of helpful cloud repositories, resources, and assets.『19words』

24、Online forums are a great communication channel that can be an alternative way for users to get in touch.『19words』

25、You can install these and additional connectors from Windows 7 forums, or get a pack with multiple search providers here.『20words』

26、Diana's death launched a thousand websites, moth of them venues for the grief-stricken, some of them forums for conspiracy theorists.『20words』

27、When did you decide to create the forums and how do you think the forums have effected your base of fans?『21words』

28、The site offers forums for health-conscious consumers, a support network for individuals with long-term health issues and a community of credentialed doctors.『22words』

29、If you're on photography forums, you can expect to be Fielding questions and receiving giant amounts of gratitude for your professional answers.『22words』

30、By listening to discussions in forum, sub forums and closed forums, I believe we have the tools to raise the current real high.『23words』



31、I have spanned these forums in search of the most commonly asked questions from not only newbies, but community members here. Check it out!『24words』

32、Some of you eagle eyed site visitors might have noticed that our forums @ are down since the move to the new server.『24words』

33、But the advent of the web, internet forums and social networking sites has given WOM the power to turn a product from global hero to zero with frightening speed.『29words』

34、I spent a lot of time on the Internet, on various sites and forums, but every time I happened upon a blog I would brush past it without interest.『29words』

35、World of StarCraft are dashed as a blue poster in the World of Warcraft forums confirms that Blizzard's next massively multiplayer online game is part of a brand new franchise.『30words』

36、One feud among your local Chamber of Commerce and online forums is that member in forums is nearly always free though a Chamber of Commerce member generally requires a annual dues disbursement.『32words』

37、Before Posting in the forums, since it is run by volunteers working hard over long hours when they could be doing something much more constructive, maybe you should start with a search.『32words』

38、Apart from the immeasurable benefits like power to speak in the international financial forums, benefits of currency internationalization include international seigniorage revenue and financial profits from operating the offshore reserves of the currency.『33words』

39、Nonetheless, it is significant and heartening for a Mandarin speaking Chinese to know the campaign now aims at making Mandarin a high language - among (Chinese) executives and professionals, in the boardrooms, in five-star hotels, at public forums, in university campuses.『41words』

