

1、I'm a fast learner.『4words』

2、Profound literiti and great learner『5words』

3、Humble me, Know yourself, Eternal learner...『6words』

4、Key Practices of the Sophisticated learner.『6words』

5、Teacher roles in the learner-centered classroom;『6words』

6、a slow child, learner, pupil, etc『6words』

7、01-a. How to be a successful language learner『8words』

8、Babe:Hey, Mr Parrot, you're an A-number-one language learner.『8words』

9、Syntactic differences often present the learner with difficulties.『8words』

10、The leading role of the teacher in learner-centered teaching;『9words』



11、Every English learner is eager to know the answer.『9words』

12、If the purpose is learning, the learner has to stay engaged.『11words』

13、I am not talking about what is now called 'learner autonomy'.『11words』

14、Talk about how to foster learner autonomy in foreign language teaching;『11words』

15、That car' s being driven by a learner, ie a learner driver.『12words』

16、I'm a new learner of English, and write the letter by translating it directly.『14words』

17、Learner autonomy and the reflection on fostering learner autonomy for language learning within Chinese context;『15words』

18、If reading or listening does a trick, maybe you feel like you're a verbal learner.『15words』

19、The Impact of Task Varieties on College Learner-learner s Meaning Negotiation in a Chinese EFL Context;『16words』

20、For example, a typical learner might study English phrasal ver for 12 hours before an English exam.『17words』



21、A quick learner on absorbing new knowlege and technics, be able to adapt to new enviorment quickly.『17words』

22、From what I've said so far, you can see that being an active learner involves both skill and will.『19words』

23、Both cognitive approach and constructivism theory focus on a learner-centered learning, which involves learners active and personal meaning construction.『19words』

24、He used to be a slow learner. When he turned 15 he suddenly was enlightened and became a quick learner.『20words』

25、She is absolutely not a genius who won instant fame, but a humble insistent learner and a never weary practicer.『20words』

26、Among the many approaches to promote learner autonomy, learner training of strategy use is greatly relevant to individual development at school.『21words』

27、But the question is how, if a learner of English does not know how to practice, he must be irrevocably incorrigible.『21words』

28、You have to figure out for yourself if you are more of a visual learner, an auditory learner or a kinesthetic/tactile learner.『22words』

29、It is well known now that the language learning is a cognitive process in which the learner factors play a decisive role.『22words』

30、The advanced learner can use her skills to assist the lower-level learner. The lower-level learner is able to learn from the more advanced learner.『24words』



31、Educators have realized and acknowledged the importance of improving the students' ability of autonomous learning in accordance with the notion of "learner-centeredness" and "life-education".『24words』

32、Constructs the learning strategy system of "GX" Experiment, which consists of three subsystems: learning strategies, relevant factors (learner and environment), and classroom learning efficiency.『24words』

33、There is nothing to guarantee that everybody is willing to make the effort; there is no assurance that the learner will have any adequate return for his toil.『28words』

34、But the goal of constructivist learning in the guidelines are not from the outside, imposed by others, but formed in the internal learning process, and consciously determined by the learner.『30words』

35、The upsurge of learning Chinese is springing up all over the world. It is the primary hope for every Chinese learner to express his/her thought in appropriate and fluent Chinese.『30words』

36、As the practice of informational education developing,every educator and learner focus how to make use of computer and network effectively learning,the new network tool blog is a idle learning tool.『30words』

37、If you're a visual learner that will improve the effectiveness of your performance, but if you're easily distracted, more animations and people won't have an idea of what you are talking about.『32words』

38、In the view of dialogue instruction, teacher acts as a guide, a listener and a cooperator; student as an initiative learner and a constructor and the teacher-student relationship is characterized by" I-You".『32words』

39、Tolerance should be a kind of happiness, we do not know how many tests of fate, we are not sure how far our fate will let us go, we can make sure that we should be a good learner and a contented person.『43words』

