

1、It can't infect us.『4words』

2、The birds infect the milk.『5words』

3、To infect, inflame, or corrupt.『5words』

4、Magnaporthe grisea would infect rice.『5words』

5、Don't worry. I never infect.『5words』

6、Airborne spores infect freshly exposed wood.『6words』

7、As their name suggests, these infect bacteria.『7words』

8、Another type of tapeworm can infect beef.『7words』

9、Let her not infect the whole flock.『7words』

10、Not every flu virus can infect every animal.『8words』



11、Pollution food or long, cause the contact to infect.『9words』

12、The preferences for one program would infect the other program.『10words』

13、Let your happiness infect everyone and share it with them.『10words』

14、They are also differentiated by what animal they usually infect.『10words』

15、Anyone with a bad cold may infect the people around him.『11words』

16、Sadly, parasitic worms infect people who are still alive, especially kids.『11words』

17、H5N1 is the only strain within the H5 subtype known to infect humans.『13words』

18、The will must be kept clean so that germs do not infect it.『13words』

19、He uses Trojan horses to sneak into people’s computersand infect them, so he can take control.『16words』

20、Their genetic make-up often changes by mistake when the cells they infect churn out new virus particles.『17words』



21、Its spore can also infect human by the way of respiratory tract, digestive tract and skin touch.『17words』

22、Cable control effect infect the shape of span arch directly, even infect the bear of weight of bridge.『18words』

23、These crystals reenter the environment after the insect dies and decomposes, thus becoming available to infect other caterpillars.『18words』

24、The fear is that germs in saliva are not good enough to infect others and be infected to others.『19words』

25、There are mad dogs, mosquitoes that can infect malaria, and gangsters who impersonate postmen and teachers in the community.『19words』

26、A program or code segment written in the internal macro language of an application. Some macros replicate, while others infect documents.『21words』

27、Meanwhile, the deadliest strains of the virus perished with their hosts as natural selection favored strains that could infect hosts but not kill them.『24words』

28、Not only do tears keep your eyes lubricated, but they also contain a substance that kills certain bacteria so they can't infect your eyes.『24words』

29、Under artificial inoculation the pathogen could infect cereal plants such as sorghum sudangrass columbus grass corn foxtail millet pearl millet jobstears rice oat wheat and green foxtail.『27words』

30、The pathogen in infected seeds could infect the seedling of maize but the infection belongs to masking infection, that is, apparent symptoms were not be observed in seedlings.『28words』



31、However, there seems to be some natural cross-protection going on with this virus: Though new to human immune systems, it doesn't seem to infect people over 60 very often.『29words』

32、Any of several parasitic tapeworms of the genus Echinococcus, the larvae of which infect mammals and form large, spherical cysts in the liver or lungs, causing serious or fatal disease.『30words』

33、The current trial was designed primarily to prove that it was both possible and safe to use a virus to infect tumor cells, and that the virus would then replicate.『30words』

34、HIGH EFFECTIVE : We apply the most advanced cockroach-killing technology ,which ,is the infected cockroach will infect other cockroaches by contact.As a result,a”chain reaction”occurs and all the cockroaches will be eliminated.『31words』

35、Like the text, like the text is clean, earthly wind and frost can not infect the purity of the text, the viciousness of the river and lake can not infect the purity of the text.『35words』

36、The WHO has said the world is on the brink of pandemic from the H1N1 virus, which has been most prevalent in North America and begun to infect large numbers in Japan, Britain and Spain.『35words』

37、“Other substances (e.g., alcohol or drugs) in the mother's blood can also cross the placenta, with effects including congenital disorders and drug addiction in the newborn;some microorganisms can cross it to infect the fetus, but so do the mother's antibodies."『40words』

38、Travel is a disease. Once the infection is infected, you can't get rid of it any more. It's also an infectious disease. At last, you may infect others with this disease, and you do not want to free yourself from it.『41words』

39、Do not have to deliberately hide, do not need to say so many deceptive excuses, deceived themselves and deceive others. You don't have to think too much. Sometimes you laugh from the bottom of your heart. No one will blame you. It will only infect you.『46words』

