

1、A locally assessed property tax.『5words』

2、maximum assessed fuel element temperature『5words』

3、Heterogeneity was assessed with chi-square statistics.『6words』

4、Their cognitive function was also assessed.『6words』

5、Running surfaces must also be assessed.『6words』

6、Construct validity was assessed by interior consistence.『7words』

7、have a house assessed by a valuer『7words』

8、Interrater agreement was assessed during four WGTA posttests.『8words』

9、When should a factory be assessed thru FCCA?『8words』

10、The current technology stack is also assessed and documented.『9words』



11、Their moods were assessed using a commonly used depression scale.『10words』

12、The performances of these membranes were assessed in ultrafiltration experiment.『10words』

13、These, however, remain to be assessed for use in resource-poor settings.『11words』

14、Method Compliance with MECT wad assessed in 84 cases of psychotics.『11words』

15、As for the investigated interventions,25 studies assessed TCM and 12 assessed acupuncture.『12words』

16、Serum creatinine and total proteinuria were assessed 6 and 12 months after renal biopsy.『14words』

17、We assessed the validity of each study using the methods suggested in the Cochrane Handbook.『15words』

18、The secondary end points were changes in hemodynamic variables as assessed by right heart catheterization.『15words』

19、The tax that cannot be assessed in regular periods may be assessed on a transaction-by-transaction basis.『16words』

20、In both groups, the patient's physiotherapy needs were assessed 2 weeks after the removal of the splint.『17words』



21、The status of insulin resistance was assessed by homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) and the improved insulin sensitivity index(ISI).『18words』

22、The social utility of the defendant's conduct must be assessed against the gravity of the risk of injury.『18words』

23、Hamilton depression rating scale (HAMD), clinical general impressional scale (CGI) and treatment emergent symptom scale (TESS) were assessed.『18words』

24、Risk ranking is useful when management needs to evaluate both quantitatively-assessed and qualitatively-assessed risks within the same organizational framework.『19words』

25、In this example, after an outsourced company writes the code, it comes back to the customer to be assessed.『19words』

26、Observer variability by the study pathologists was assessed through two blinded diagnostic rounds on 437 biopsies from 26 random study endoscopies.『21words』

27、PFS was defined as the time from randomisation to disease progression or death as assessed by the treating physicians in the study (investigator-assessed).『23words』

28、The steel plate 'performance in the lamellar tearing resistance aspect can be assessed by reduction in area when doing tension test of through-thickness.『23words』

29、Patients who were admitted to hospital with a diagnosis of an acute coronary syndrome were assessed during hospitalisation and in the first six months after discharge.『26words』

30、Promote the software and outsourcing service enterprises to be assessed as high-tech enterprises. Those whose qualified conditions can enjoy the same tax policy after they are acknowledged.『27words』



31、The causes of schedule unreliability were assessed as well, and the wide array of measures and planning tools shipping lines deploy to maximise schedule reliability were discussed.『27words』

32、By using this method, not only overelaborate drawing and hand-calculating can be avoided, but also the flatness of four kinds of datum-planes can be assessed quickly and precisely.『28words』

33、Methods: 151 students of a senior high school and 654 college freshmen in Jinan were assessed with Symptom Check list 90(SCL-90), and the 151 students were assessed with 16PF.『29words』

34、A trained health worker recorded the presence or absence of 31 clinical signs, such as difficulty in feeding and lethargy, and a paediatrician then assessed each case for severe illness.『30words』

35、Pearson Longman and ETS combine their expertise in language learning and test development to create an innovative approach to developing the skills assessed in the new TOEFL Internet-based test (iBT).『30words』

36、For its annual survey, Mercer assessed the quality of living in 221 cities worldwide, measuring them against New York with an index score of 100 points as the base city.『30words』

37、Companies and factories are to be assessed by the end of each year. Those failing to meet the environmental standards will either be closed or corrected within a prescribed time limit.『31words』

38、Finally, the dissertation has assessed the successes and mistakes of the policies on overseas Chinese investment by New China during the past 54 years and given some advice according to the facts in Guangdong Province so that they can serve the construction of a wealthy society completely.『47words』

39、 For the politicians, there is no such way, the court will not be able to go to the old to welcome the new. For the assessed officials, such a large number of repulsions is indeed chilling, so they have to take care of each other as a necessary means to protect security.『53words』

