

1、It is hereby noticed.『4words』

2、Notice is hereby given that...『5words』

3、I hereby declare her elected.『5words』

4、You are hereby suspended indefinitely.『5words』

5、Your advice is hereby earnestly solicited.『6words』

6、I hereby declare Mr Rogers elected.『6words』

7、I hereby declare you man and wife.『7words』

8、The license hereby granted extends only to ________.『8words』

9、My Indonesia citizen hereby declares the independence of Indonesia.『9words』

10、I hereby sentence you one year at a correctional facility.『10words』



11、Your reservation is hereby confirmed. Thank you for your support.『10words』

12、I hereby certify the above to be true and correct.『10words』

13、All rights not expressly granted by Licensor are hereby reserved.『10words』

14、Captain Kirk, I hereby hand over the supreme command of the starship Enterprise!『13words』

15、Unfortunately, that day has come. I hereby resign as chief executive of Apple.『13words』

16、And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments.『14words』

17、The undersigned hereby certifies that all the information furnished on this form is complete and accurate.『16words』

18、“There is hereby established a Housing Authority to be known as ""the Hong Kong Housing Authority""."『16words』

19、Based on the traffic demand in Shanghai, a proposal is offered hereby for areas of prior development.『17words』

20、Personally, I prefer and am hereby coining the term distribution information, along the lines of distribution computing.『17words』



21、Shares of the capital stock represented by the within certificate, and do hereby irrevocably constitute and appoint.『17words』

22、Pursuant to Starfleet General Order 104, Section a: you are deemed unfit and I hereby relieve you of your command.『20words』

23、It is hereby proclaimed that the Board of Directors has dismiss M. Song Ming from the post of General Manager.『20words』

24、Introduced hereby is the mechanism of the biological deodorization, natural vegetable liquid deodorization and ion clarification widely applied in municipal drainage works.『22words』

25、I hereby agree to assume and accept any and all risks of injury or death, and I forever release the COC from any responsibility.『24words』

26、In order to let you have a good understanding of our table cloth, we hereby send you an up-to-date content by air for reference.『24words』

27、Notice is hereby given that the annual general meeting of the shareholders of our company will be held at the Bankers’ Club on Mar. 1.『25words』

28、The signing parties hereby accept such selected jurisdiction as the exclusive venue. The duration of the Agreement shall perpetuate for five (5) years from the date hereof.『27words』

29、We hereby declare that our gas, light oil, heavy oil, and combination( gas/ light oil or gas/ heavy oil) burners are manufactured in conformance with current CE, CEI and UNI standards.『31words』

30、This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with, and all disputes hereunder shall be governed by, French law, and the parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts.『31words』



31、I hereby apply for the admission of my child/ward on the terms and conditions contained herein and declare that I have the financial capacity to meet the tuition fees and the Guarantee Fund for Visa .『36words』

32、Seller hereby grants to Buyer and Licensee hereby accepts, a nontransferable, nonexclusive license to use and copy, on the terms and conditions set forth herein, the software program (s) listed in Article 10 of this License Contract『37words』

33、“NOW THEREFORE for good and valuable consideration, the Parties hereby mutually agree to the following terms and conditions whereby Recipient will hold in confidence STC's confidential and proprietary information which has been or will be disclosed to Recipient."『38words』

34、We hereby recommend to the Central Committee that during the period of prolonged warfare among the Kuomintang warlords, we should contend with Chiang Kai-shek and the Kwangsi clique for Kiangsi Province and also for western Fukien and western Chekiang.『39words』

35、For the purpose of forming a new company to engage in manufacturing and selling the "PRODUCTS"defined in 2.1 of CLAUSE 2, both parties hereby agree to incorporate jointly in Mesico a stock Corporation of variable capital under the Commercial Code of Mexico,『42words』

36、“Under all circumstances, if Party B is in arrears with any amount payable to Party A hereunder, Party B hereby acknowledges and agrees that Party A exercise the subrogation right to claim the debts owed to Party B by any of Party B's debtors"『44words』

37、The Secretary of State of the United States of America hereby requests all whom it may concern to permit the citizen/national of the United States named herein to pass without delay of hindrance and in case of need to give all lawful aid and protection.『45words』

38、Permission to use, copy, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation.『45words』

39、“This is to certify that XXX, XXX and XXX, XXX have agreed, with the consent of the above-mentioned adopted person, that XXX and XXX adopt XXX and XXX' s son (daughter) XXX as their adopted son (adopted daughter). XXX and XXX are hereby XXX' s adoptive parents. "『48words』


下一篇:until after造句,用until after怎么造句子(39句)