until after造句,用until after怎么造句子(39句)

until after造句,用until after怎么造句子

1、At least until after college.『5words』

2、We stayed up until after midnight.『6words』

3、We talked and speculated until after midnight.『7words』

4、They didn't reach the border until after dark.『8words』

5、He refused to comment until after the trial.『8words』

6、He didn' t surface today until after eleven.『8words』

7、Should I shave or wait until after breakfast?『8words』

8、His call wasn't returned until after the 4th try.『9words』

9、She said she couldn't leave until after the meeting was over.『11words』

10、The Kremlin will be tempted to stonewall until after the election.『11words』

until after造句,用until after怎么造句子(39句)

until after造句,用until after怎么造句子

11、Yet it survived until after the Indian mutiny of 1857; indeed, on paper, until 1873.『15words』

12、Recent reports suggest that the tranche of IMF loans is unlikely until after the referendum.『15words』

13、The runtime cannot garbage collect objects with finalizers until after their finalization methods have been called.『16words』

14、Usually hopeful words and rosy budget scenarios satisfy the public, at least until after the election.『16words』

15、A letter from Washington did arrive, but not until after the start of the two-day gathering.『16words』

16、Corn cake Fried until after forming carefully remove mold, the corn tortilla Fried until both sides are golden.『18words』

17、Do not wait until later to regret missed, do not want to wait until after the restore lost.『18words』

18、He went on leisurely writing, until after a time a short, stout gentleman came in from the street.『18words』

19、In Mesopotamia and Egypt the coming of the Aryans did not cause fundamental changes until after 600 BC.『18words』

20、This means that launch customer All Nippon Airways won’t be getting its new carbon composite airplane until after July.『19words』

until after造句,用until after怎么造句子(39句)

until after造句,用until after怎么造句子

21、Notice that Henry waited until after Fifa ruled out a replay before saying it might be the right solution.『19words』

22、I'm currently investigating adding support for this type of operation to JiBX, though it probably won't be until after the initial production release.『23words』

23、-Catholicism was introduced into China intermittently in the seventh century, but it had not spread widely until after the Opium War in 1840.『23words』

24、Although no announcement is expected until after Euro 2004, the France forward is believed to be close to agreeing a two-year deal with the Bianconeri.『25words』

25、The Sydney Observatory said the eclipse was to begin at 3:25 a.m. Thursday (1:25 p.m. EDT, 5:25 p.m. GMT Wednesday) and last until after 5 a.m.『26words』

26、In a statement Friday, Mr. Chernoff said the coroner's news release 'contains nothing new,' and said he wouldn't comment further until after seeing the full autopsy report.『27words』

27、Coffman says he wants to know whether district officials hid the budget shortage until after the November election, when voters approved a $212 million bond issue for schools.『28words』

28、Mr Obama has now put off his decision until after he returns from his trip to Asian countries beginning this week, and may not make a choice until December.『29words』

29、The characters entered were 's — e-c-r-3-t with a new twist: the s key was held down until after the last key in the password was pressed and released.『29words』

30、Colonel Sanders did not get rich until after he lost everything in his 60s. Bill Gates was one of the richest men in the world before he was 30.『29words』

until after造句,用until after怎么造句子(39句)

until after造句,用until after怎么造句子

31、When people first start this work they should NEVER use the leash as a tool to correct until after the dog has progressed to through touch pads and learning positions.『30words』

32、With Tom Cleverley already ruled out until after Christmas, it has further weakened United in a crucial area and revived the debate over whether Ferguson needs to buy a midfielder.『30words』

33、Not only is the collective marriage license, but also to wait until 6 point at work until after dark, all the new people to wear suits, but also in Ho Chi Minh as the oath before.『36words』

34、Ah Si's wife had calculated that most of the eggs wouldn't hatch until after that day.Before or after Grain Rain was all right, but for eggs to hatch on the day itself was considered highly unlucky.『36words』

35、I didn't realize I had tied a record until after the game. I mean I knew I had a great game, and a huge 3rd quarter, but I really didn't think about a record until they told me.『38words』

36、If the system is not flushed until after the backflow valve is installed, remove both check modules from the valve and open the inlet shutoff to allow water to flow for a sufficient time to flush debris from the water line.『41words』

37、Don't wait to be lonely to think of love, don't wait for someone to love you only learn to pursue, do not wait until the separation is to say I love you, don't wait until after the break to regret not cherish...『42words』

38、But the filmmaker, who admits he turned down a Hollywood studio that wanted to hold the movie until after the election and release it late in the year to cash in on Oscar buzz, said he doesn't think documentaries are a tool to influence people.『45words』

39、Johnson had been bothered by back spasms over his last few starts-- beginning a day after his43 rd birthday on Sept.10-- but didn't tell the team until after he allowed five runs and seven hits over six innings in an8-0 loss last weekend at Tampa Bay.『46words』

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