

1、I prefer staying here.『4words』

2、He's staying until September.『4words』

3、Visitors are staying away.『4words』

4、I don't intend staying long.『5words』

5、These guys are staying here.『5words』

6、Provides good lane staying power.『5words』

7、But visitors are staying away.『5words』

8、How long are you staying『5words』

9、We have guests staying this weekend.『6words』

10、And I am committing to staying alive.『7words』



11、Some guys simply don't have staying power.『7words』

12、How long do you plan on staying『7words』

13、Cat images also have unparalleled staying power.『7words』

14、Many are staying in gymnasiums and community centers.『8words』

15、Taoist priest surnamed Lii was also staying there.『8words』

16、I love staying with friends, instead of staying alone.『9words』

17、Others, however, frown upon staying indoors for too long.『9words』

18、It just gives us more staying power and more options.『10words』

19、Swimming is a good exercise for increasing your staying power.『10words』

20、Conversely, staying in a stressful job will have a negative impact.『11words』



21、These can be excuses for staying within our corporate comfort zone.『11words』

22、She won't consent to him staying out late/to his staying out late.『12words』

23、Try staying with those sensations as long as you canto test them.『12words』

24、Who would knock at his own door if he was staying alone?『12words』

25、The explicit contract: charge her the market rate for staying in your flat.『13words』

26、There is a staying in my going, there is a going in my staying.在每个开始中都有过去,在每个过去中,都有开始。『14words』

27、And then she started staying in bed all day and staying in her room more.『15words』

28、I was staying over and was woken with the strangely offhand news that "your father's in a coma".『18words』

29、That's because companies are reluctant to ramp up hiring until they feel certain the recovery has staying power.『18words』

30、If you are not staying at a nearby hotel and need to park at Disneyland, then try to carpool.『19words』



31、Now, staying within the try error handling statement, proceed to gather information from the Excel workbook, starting with its sheets.『20words』

32、Highwayman : haven ' t you seen enough out there ? i ' d be happy staying behind a desk all day.『22words』

33、If you swallow antibiotics and kill a lot of them, a few weeks later, the same bacteria come bounding back. They're staying.『22words』

34、Church workers in Seoul have condemned plans by rail authorities to kick-out around 300 homeless people staying in a railway station onto the streets.『24words』

35、Instead of staying in an ordinary hotel, resort, bed &breakfast or guesthouse, one will experience the real family-life by staying in a so called homestay.『25words』

36、Sadly and ironically, many prisoners have staying power and even get promoted to senior positions just by playing politics well or staying out of the spotlight.『26words』

37、Not to mention that staying at a casa particular with the home-cooked meals was actually less than 50% of the cost of staying at the resorts and hotels.『28words』

38、Most Italians feel more guilty about over-eating than they do about cheating on their partners, a survey has found, suggesting that people in Casanova's native land care more about staying slim than staying faithful.『34words』

