

1、(World screams' yes').『3words』

2、“What happened?" she screams.『4words』

3、He screams at subordinates.『4words』

4、The cuckoo screams to Blood『5words』

5、the screams of tortured prisoners『5words』

6、There were gasps and screams.『5words』

7、They ignored the baby's screams.『5words』

8、“Butterfly killer!" screams a tiny girl.『6words』

9、“And if she screams?" said Rowan.『6words』

10、The children's screams jarred my nerves.『6words』



11、This parrot screams but does not talk.『7words』

12、Our screams died as we reached the school entrance.『9words』

13、Carol screams and slams karate chops to Mary's bloodied nose.『10words』

14、He turns a corner, and the screams are much louder.『10words』

15、And, as you see, the baby screams when this happens.『10words』

16、 A girl's screaming screams mixed with the screams of screams.『11words』

17、This screams, not merely he rotated pate, the owners all turned head!『12words』

18、Her screams are such that would scream the dead out of their graves.『13words』

19、frantic with anger and frustration; frenetic screams followed the accident; a frenzied look in his eye.『16words』

20、Scientists have discovered that the earth "screams" and that aliens can hear these chirps and whistles.『16words』



21、All kinds of strange screams, thunderous applause instantly filled the entire playground, the atmosphere immediately rose.『16words』

22、They leap to their feet, clench fists and let out long screams, clawing at the ground and air.『18words』

23、The panting of the woman within became quick and loud, like whispered screams, but she made no sound aloud.『19words』

24、In those frivolous years, chatter and screams of despair gnaw at all hearts, quietly sowing darkness and stirring up madness.『20words』

25、The Native American Indians have a saying, "Pay attention to the whispers so you won't have to hear the screams."『20words』

26、In the old Lubyanka prison the screams of the tortured and the pleas of the doomed are heard no more.『20words』

27、Instinctively, I resisted, and the number of people rolling into a ball on the ground increased, and screams and screams came and went.『23words』

28、The shoplifter screams in shock as policemen speed towards him, grab his arms and legs, lift him up and drag him away on roller-blades.『24words』

29、The happy tooth logo has a vintage cartoon feel and almost screams out for a jingle, emphasizing the homey, handcrafted nature of the product.『24words』

30、The video shows Billy staggering, then dropping his book bag to fight back, lanky arms flailing. But the screams of his sister stop things cold.『25words』



31、Many times, too many times, we heard the screams of other prisoners being beaten, and there was nothing we could do to help them, "he said."『26words』

32、 At the end of the song, the man on the stage bowed gracefully, ignored the screams of the people under the stage, and turned away indifferently.『27words』

33、Hoping you take that jump愿你纵身一跃But don't fear the fall不惧深渊Hope when the water rises愿风暴降临You built a wall你堤岸永固Hoping the crowd screams out愿人群声嘶力竭Screaming your name呼喊你名Hope if everybody runs愿众人慌不择路You chose to stay你决然守护『28words』

34、People were busy before, ignoring the weather changes. By the time, the wind was already purring. Occasionally, one or two screams and flying gravel hit the faces of people.『29words』

35、A handout labeled “Espresso Excellence” informed them that “without aeration, the milk screams and lacks sweetness.” And: “The perfect milk requires surfing the tip of the steam wand until the sound is SSHHHH.”『33words』

36、 On the apple tree by the river, a nightingale began to sing. For Pat, who was used to the harsh screams and endless noise of crows all day, it was a natural sound.『34words』

37、“Ah," said Morrel, falling from the height of excitement to the abyss of despair--"ah, you are playing with me, like those good, or rather selfish mothers who soothe their children with honeyed words, because their screams annoy them.『38words』

38、Alec Trevelyan: I might as well ask if all those Vodka Martinis silence the screams of all the men you've killed, or if you've found forgiveness in the arms of all those women for the ones you failed to protect?『40words』

