

1、To disclose a divine secret『5words』

2、Thee violets disclose their petals.『5words』

3、Apple doesn't disclose the store's revenue.『6words』

4、disclose the penetralia of my heart『6words』

5、Science can disclose the mysteries of nature.『7words』

6、To disclose one's sins to a priest.『7words』

7、Spain’s savings banks do not disclose the figure.『8words』

8、But it did not disclose how much it raised.『9words』

9、I refuse to disclose any details of the encounter.『9words』

10、Executives have the right to refuse to disclose some details.『10words』



11、I have decided to disclose why Americans are so confused.『10words』

12、One way to deal with that is to disclose more information.『11words』

13、In the us, companies are not required to disclose their energy use.『12words』

14、LVMH is expected officially to disclose its interests by Wednesday at the latest .『14words』

15、The company didn't disclose how much it expects to gain from the two deals.『14words』

16、I didn't want to disclose anything about the project before the management had okayed the remix.『16words』

17、Everyone has weaknesses and will not easily disclose them. Everyone has pains, not everyone can understand them.『17words』

18、CCTV said it didn't disclose information about the 2014 AD auction because the format changed this year.『17words』

19、Her voice trails off as she lifts the cover of the box to disclose its contents: steak knives.『18words』

20、We will never willfully disclose individually identifiable information about our customers to any third party without the customer's consent.『19words』



21、Many people find that if they disclose their illness they will get bullied and forced out of the role.『19words』

22、I dimly perceived a bed in the corner, and I wondered whether the light would disclose lying on it a dead body.『22words』

23、The company, however, declined to disclose the investment figure for the new facility and the number of people it planned to hire.『22words』

24、However, the author tries to disclose the influence given by male discourse power through the deep analysis of his female images and social background.『24words』

25、Disclose and issue stocks to the society and disclose to finance to the society, etc, in accordance with the law according to the national regulation.『25words』

26、The acquirer shall, in the tender offer report, make full disclose of the complete scheme it presents pursuant to this Circular and the relevant risks.『25words』

27、This email may contain confidential information. Please do not use or disclose it in any way and delete it if you are not the intended recipient.『26words』

28、Please note that DHI reserves the right to disclose information submitted by or concerning any visitor or user as we reasonably feel is necessary to protect our systems or business.『30words』

29、Based on the test, the conclusion is that the causality and linear functional relation are existed between rock and AC impedance spectra. AC impedance can disclose the properties of rocks.『30words』

30、The Customer and DNV mutually agree not to disclose to any third party without the prior written consent of the other party, any information obtained from the other party related to this Agreement.『33words』



31、He'll want to know all the juicy gossip on everyone you hang out with, so get ready to disclose everything. Doing so is worth your while. He'll give you solid advice that's actually helpful.『34words』

32、Mariaine Croes, a spokeswoman for the public prosecutor' s office, said Saturday that Aruban authorities were not prepared to disclose why the person was arrested or how the arrest was linked to the Holloway case.『35words』

33、It is modern justice that there should be of democratic politics for administration not to disclose, and a lot of countries have made about administration's open law, disclose the system of the administration to confirm in the form of law.『40words』

34、Citibank may disclose and/or grant access to any and all information relating to You and Your Account to the supervisory authorities inside the P.R China, such as the People's Bank of China and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange and their successors,『42words』

35、But the coming out of the financial derivative instruments bring strong wallop to the existing financial accounting model and bring some trouble to the accounting calculation. Therefore it has an important realistic meaning to research the method of accounting control and accounting disclose.『43words』

36、You need have no fear of my words. A dead woman wants nothing; neither love, nor compassion, nor consolation. I have only one thing to ask of you, that you believe to the full what the pain in me forces me to disclose to you. 看到我这些话你不要害怕;一个死者别无企求,她既不要求别人的爱,也不要求同情和慰藉。我对你只有一个要求,那就是请你相信我那向你吐露隐衷的痛苦的心所告诉你的一切。『46words』

37、Where the cost supervision and examination personnel neglect their duties, engage in mal-practices for personal gains, indulge in fraudulent activities, or disclose trade secrets of a producer or a business operator in their work, and thereby cause damage to the interest of the State or the producer『47words』

38、“Nevertheless, if at the time of the conclusion of the contract of sale the seller knew or ought to have known that the goods had been lost or damaged and did not disclose this to the Buyer, the loss or damage is at the risk of the seller."『48words』

