

1、cultivate (=grow;plant) flowers『3words』

2、Anybody can grow older.『4words』

3、Fingernails grow faster than.『4words』

4、Everything begins to grow.『4words』

5、Time to grow up.『4words』

6、We just grow in poverty.『5words』

7、I like to grow plants.『5words』

8、Most families here grow corn.『5words』

9、You too, will grow old.『5words』

10、Mushroom can grow very quickly.『5words』



11、These pacification operations continue to grow.『6words』

12、So your influence will grow exponentially.『6words』

13、Grandchildren grow up, and grandparents grow older.『7words』

14、Fair flower, that dost so comely grow.『7words』

15、You grow 121 feet of hair everyday.『7words』

16、Nails grow at 3 mm per month.『7words』

17、As children grow older, their cognitive processes become sharper.『9words』

18、Pigs could grow human organs in stem cell breakthrough.『9words』

19、The roots perhaps grow from normal cells losing T-DNA.『9words』

20、As children grow older, their bodies grow and change.『9words』



21、Solitary trees, if they grow at all, grow strong.『9words』

22、Watered once a day, the flower will grow very well.『10words』

23、Like all crustaceans, krill must molt in order to grow.『10words』

24、In life, we grow our seed and we grow beans.『10words』

25、To grow individually means we all grow a little bit.『10words』

26、An angel whose wings grow shorter as he legs grow longer.『11words』

27、So grow, and grow, and grow until you break through a barrier.『12words』

28、When he was finished, it began to grow... and grow... and grow『12words』

29、Given that little hands grow, portion sizes grow too as they get older.『13words』

30、Grow and grow, and grow beans. A favorable friendship will bring a friendly friendship.『14words』



31、Blos-som of snow, may you bloom and grow, bloom and grow for e- ver.『14words』

32、Girls grow up because they love someone, and boys grow up because they lose someone.『15words』

33、We grow neither better nor worst as we grow old but more and more like ourselves.『16words』

34、Some let you grow up in crying, some in laughing and learning to grow up in madness.『17words』

35、You must understand that plants grow and grow, and beans grow. If you sow gossip, the harvest must be slander.『20words』

36、We Chinese have a proverb saying, "grow water and grow melon and grow beans." It also applies to everyone's life: good for good, bad for evil.『26words』

37、Old trees that don't grow in the tropics grow seasonally, and they grow faster early in the year in the springtime than they do later in the year.『28words』

