

1、proper nilpotent element『3words』

2、Verify their proper functionality.『4words』

3、A proper gent's cake.『4words』

4、His proper tradeis a navvy.『5words』

5、A proper baseline is key.『5words』

6、Write in the proper style.『5words』

7、remain in one's (proper) sphere『5words』

8、There are also proper bleachers.『5words』

9、He makes a proper shopping list.『6words』

10、Use proper business greeting card etiquette.『6words』



11、with reasonable care; with proper care『6words』

12、Give a proper title to the passage.『7words』

13、Define a proper size to the div.『7words』

14、First, choose the proper time to do it.『8words』

15、How to get the proper JNDI initial context.『8words』

16、The rope is properproperty to the prospering rope maker.『9words』

17、You might wonder just how important proper partition alignment is.『10words』

18、Device erasure occurs by utting the proper erase command sequence.『10words』

19、She flaunted the school rules by not wearing the proper uniform.『11words』

20、Proper folly is a virtue as well as wisdom as proper inferiority.『12words』



21、NAV is a proper method for comparison of the schemes with different life.『13words』

22、The Council shall keep proper accounts and proper records in relation to the accounts.『14words』

23、In a proper light with proper glasses these parties were sometimes magical and sad.『14words』

24、Outside the house proper, there are weathervanes, door knockers, wells, and yard ornaments to investigate.『15words』

25、Support and guidance on SIMOPS ensures proper planning and proper work rest hours to mitigate risk.『16words』

26、the proper knife for cutting bread; not a proper moment for a joke.See Synonyms at fit『16words』

27、Ensures that proper records are kept of inventory receipts, issues, returns and transfers and proper authorisation thereof.『17words』

28、It's always a bit difficult if you cannot make a normal proper pit stop with a proper start.『18words』

29、People who possess proper thoughts are able to guide the citizens of the world onto proper, broad, well-lit roads.『19words』

30、In a civil investigation, the goal is to determine the proper tax liability and assess the proper taxes and civil (monetary) penalties.『22words』



31、No registered ship shall fly any colours purporting to be or closely resembling the proper colours which are not the proper colours.『22words』

32、If a fine speech has been delivered at the proper time and in the proper way, the requirement of the play is met.『23words』

33、Accentuate proper execution of drills - don't allow swimmers to just go through the motions - drills can build improper motor patterns as easily as proper technique.『27words』

34、The next most important job is to maintain a proper profile3 throughout the system. This is accomplished by proper flows of reactive power on the various lines.『27words』

35、Proper residence electrical design contains proper level of power load, proper distribution circuit and lay down, proper number of plugs and proper information interfaces of telephone and TV.『28words』

36、Vivid and practical illustrations should fill chemical teaching, in the meantime, green chemical knowledge should be permeated in it on the principle of "proper time, proper degree, proper amount".『29words』

37、The proper interpass temperature is required to prevent cold and hot cracking as well as the proper selection of welding filler material, to produce the proper creep resistance and toughness.『30words』

