

1、Impressible young minds.『3words』

2、Beautiful minds inspire others.『4words』

3、Great minds think alike.『4words』

4、the ductile minds of youth『5words』

5、Idle hands make idle minds.『5words』

6、Men have more mathematically-oriented minds『5words』

7、Veteran comrades must emancipate their minds.『6words』

8、Still, it tugs at our minds.『6words』

9、Their minds are free from worldliness.『6words』

10、Chances favor the minds that are prepared.『7words』



11、In the children's minds summer is associated with picnics.『9words』

12、The fortuneteller says that he can read people's minds.『9words』

13、A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.『9words』

14、Cultivation Principle: For all, For future, Moulding minds, Respecting individuality.『10words』

15、We have to discipline our minds and concentrate on wilful prayer.『11words』

16、Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.『12words』

17、People keep their minds fixed and their minds fixed for the future.『12words』

18、That is what should stick in people's minds when the day comes.『12words』

19、Hope keeps our minds at ease, lowers stress and improves physical health.『12words』

20、'Why nobody minds Ben Gunn,' cried Merry; 'dead or alive, nobody minds him.'『13words』



21、In future we may want to change our minds and allow it in special circumstances.『15words』

22、In other words, it was instilled in our minds, but did not originate in our minds.『16words』

23、Is this cat going to get a fourth life? That's what inquiring minds want to know.『16words』

24、Little minds are wounded too much by little things; great minds see all, and are not even hurt.『18words』

25、Yet, in the minds of Americans, there are boundaries that other people are simply not supposed to cross.『18words』

26、Too many people with minds can't walk fast, and those who have no minds at all are mostly irrational.『19words』

27、As dogs can assist with physiological disorders, so also can they assist in drawing out those who have recededsintostheir minds.『20words』

28、In people's minds, epilepsy is a terrible neurological disease, often accompanied by convulsions, foaming at the mouth and other symptoms.『20words』

29、People who can tolerate others have broad and transparent minds like the sky and vast and deep minds like the sea.『21words』

30、It is the most important thing to change our minds. Only when we change our minds can we lead to a change in our minds.『25words』



31、Third, we need to free the minds of everyone, particularly the minds of leading officials so that everyone can have independent and critical thinking and make innovation.『27words』

32、It was fun. Instead of men kissing you, and touching you with their Bodies, they revealed their minds to you. It was great fun! But what cold minds『28words』

33、Instead of seeing the world as it is, we see a projected world, one that is not presented to our minds but which is the product of our minds.『29words』

34、Principal Jacobs: A teacher has two jobs; fill young minds with knowledge, yes, but more important, give those minds a compass so that that knowledge does not go to waste.『30words』

35、We must admit with humility that, while number is purely a product of our minds, space has a reality outside our minds, so that we cannot completely prescribe its properties a priori.『32words』

36、This week has been mostly busy with preparing for children's day. Since this has occupied the minds of the kids I am not sure if all the words have stayed in their minds.『33words』

37、People are good to be bullied, don't betray themselves, people are good to be said, don't betray family, people are too kind, others will play their minds, play their minds, affect their outlook on life.『35words』

