

1、possess surpassing Beauty『3words』

2、possess untold wealth『3words』

3、To possess poor-looking Bones『4words』

4、The people possess inviolable rights.『5words』

5、All phasmids possess compound eyes.『5words』

6、have (=possess) one characteristic in common『6words』

7、The photo mask must possess dimentional stability.『7words』

8、Cathedral and churches possess a serene beauty.『7words』

9、I consider that I possess no senses;『7words』

10、In addition, it should possess its own peculiarity.『8words』



11、therefore, small-business managers must possess good interpersonal skills.『8words』

12、He always did possess the knack of slipping off.『9words』

13、You possess great depth and have a passionate mind.『9words』

14、But only a few will possess the coveted prizes.『9words』

15、Humans possess no senses that can detect the presence of argon.『11words』

16、Wilt not thou possess that which Chemosh thy god giveth thee to possess『13words』

17、It's shown that this structure can possess a new type of photonic gap.『13words』

18、Just as everyone has different muscular strength, we all possess different levels of self-discipline.『14words』

19、If I simply shackles you, I had no qualifications, no qualifications to possess you.『14words』

20、Not all people possess tremendous talents, only our common sense and love can possess them.『15words』



21、The ISAPI filters are quite common, inexpensive, and possess various features for selectively compressing content.『15words』

22、In contrast, most of the Michelia species possess scalariform perforation plates and only one with simple perforation.『17words』

23、Some non peptide compounds also possess the affinity for CCK receptors and become the subject of intense research.『18words』

24、Next generation network(NGN)is a service-driven one. As the central part of NGN, SoftSwitch should possess powerful service capabilities.『18words』

25、Meaning studies that are outdated, unrepresentative or flawed can be presented as having more importance than they actually possess.『19words』

26、Since the 1980s, experts have been claiming that the skill demands of today's jobs have outstripped the skills workers possess.『20words』

27、Unless you possess an incredible memory, chances are you will forget some of the classes, methods, and modules Ruby offers.『20words』

28、It is not composed, as in Europe, of great lords who possess everything, and of a herd of people who have nothing.『22words』

29、The younger candidate was not only the better communicator, but seemed also to possess the cooler head and safer hands for troubled times.『23words』

30、Multiwavelet can possess symmetry, orthogonality, short support and high order vanish moments, however traditional wavelet cannot possess all these properties at the same time.『24words』



31、It was hypothesized that the outstanding athletes of individual events trend to possess greater independent self, whereas those of team events possess greater interdependent self.『25words』

32、While expounding the assembly source program, this paper also presents a TRS - 80 BASIC program which is known to possess a control function, too.『25words』

33、It is also the many credit CARDS they possess and revolving credit accounts with proof of rising account balances that come close to the limit prescribed.『26words』

34、“Fire and water possess a spirit But no life, grass and trees possess a life But no awareness, Birds and animals possess awareness But no sense of morality."『28words』

35、There is no contradiction between spirit and material. Most people who are rich in material possess rich spirit, but those who are not rich in material possess rich spirit.『29words』

36、When the LORD your God has brought you into the land you are entering to possess, you are to proclaim on Mount Gerizim the blessings, and on Mount Ebal the curses.『31words』

37、It's rude for you to possess a woman's body, but it's even more terrible for you to no longer possess it. The former only violated her shame, while the latter violated her self-esteem.『33words』

