

1、Where's the nearest bank?『4words』

2、Compare nearest and next.『4words』

3、Who's sitting nearest the door?『5words』

4、Britain's nearest neighbour is France.『5words』

5、Where's the nearest public phone?『5words』

6、Join the nearest Chamber of Commerce.『6words』

7、Please locate the nearest emergency exit.『6words』

8、Where is the nearest Italian restaurant?『6words』

9、It's the nearest eating place near here.『7words』

10、Yes. Where is the nearest shopping mall?『7words』



11、Detecting community structure based on shared nearest neighbor『8words』

12、The nearest thing the Camerons have to a guru.『9words』

13、Well, this comes nearest to being under the cross.『9words』

14、Could you tell me the way to the nearest bank?『10words』

15、Could you please tell me where is the nearest hospital?『10words』

16、Wilson will drive to the nearest store and purchase what's needed.『11words』

17、In those lazy learning algorithms most extensively used is nearest neighbor classification (NN) algorithm.『14words』

18、Rounds a number up, to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance『15words』

19、You may need to enlist the help of your nearest and dearest along the way.『15words』

20、He completed the lengthy course some three seconds faster than his nearest rival, Jonathon Ford.『15words』



21、The space nearest the doorway contains the living room at ground level, and the bedroom above.『16words』

22、The nearest obstetrician was in Soroti town, 20 miles away. The nearest doctor of any sort, in fact.『18words』

23、When a Vespene geyser is out of gas will the workers automatically mine from the nearest mineral patch?『18words』

24、The older woman detached from the younger one and began to tick through the DVDs on the nearest shelf.『19words』

25、If they run out of certain daily necessities, Wilson will drive to the nearest store and purchase what's needed.『19words』

26、This cation is attracting the chloride next to it and it is repelling the sodium as the next nearest neighbor.『20words』

27、Multiple alignments with the nearest homologies from the NCBI databases have revealed that the sequences of ScFv obtained are new.『20words』

28、In the "assistance" mode, users receive information about their current health status. They can also search for the nearest healthcare providers.『21words』

29、Without a moment's hesitation, Byrne raised one of his thick-soled boots and brought it down on one of the nearest Innie's outstretched calves.『23words』

30、This part of the project is searching the nearest 1000 likely stars with high sensitivity for signals in the frequency range 1000 to 3000 MHz.『25words』



31、Please visit our "Consumers" section for helpful tips, valuable information or click on our "find a cleaner" icon to find the CCA member cleaners nearest you.『26words』

32、The schools don't have the funds for video surveillance, so we need people in the neighbourhood to call their nearest police station and report any suspicious activity immediately.『28words』

33、If your camera is still under warranty, the best thing you can do is to take it to the nearest official Canon repair shop and Canon should fix it for free.『31words』

34、Try to keep in mind that almost everyone respects and wants to help you if you are trying to make a good change in your life, especially your dearest and nearest people.『32words』

35、Abbotti immediately issued a new mission to Badrzet, instructing him to dive into the crowd and stand nearest to Gandhi, so that he could shoot him in front of his chest when he started.『34words』

36、Among them, Wuzhou where Ye Dun is located and Meizhou where Zhao Zan is located are nearly 200 miles from Panyu, and Shaozhou where Pan Mei is located is relatively nearest, only about 150 miles.『35words』

37、When such students change their address, they must report the change within 10 days. The change is submitted on a change of address card, which can be secured at the nearest office of the INS or from any post office.『40words』


下一篇:get back造句,用get back怎么造句子(37句)