

1、研究人员将这种效应称为高成本信号理论(costly ysignalingtheory),意思是说人们通过外表的炫耀给人们他有钱这样做的信号。『2words』

2、a costly mistake『3words』

3、The replication is costly.『4words』

4、a costly Chinese porcelain jar;『5words』

5、God keeps a costly school.『5words』

6、And that fender-bender could be costly.『6words』

7、Our former process was too costly.『6words』

8、Buying new furniture may prove too costly.『7words』

9、a mistake that threatens to be costly『7words』

10、But developing new lines can be costly.『7words』



11、Therefore, such changes may become a costly endeavor.『8words』

12、Holding low-yielding liquid assets is costly for commercial Banks.『9words』

13、Breaking up the euro is not unthinkable, just very costly.『10words』

14、Nothing is more costly, nothing is more sterile, than vengeance『10words』

15、Antibiotic resistance has now become a costly and dangerous problem.『10words』

16、Second, the cache synchronization is very costly in term of cycles.『11words』

17、Waste eof time is the most extravagant and costly of all expenses.『12words』

18、Animal signals, such as the complex songs of birds, tend to be costly.『13words』

19、If it doesn't have a lampshade, it can get costly to find a replacement shade.『15words』

20、Even at rest, the brain is costly to run, consuming 20% of the body's energy production.『16words』



21、This might seem costly, but losing a valued employee due to burnout can be far more costly.『17words』

22、Many of them instead become the kind of nuisance lawsuit filer that makes the tort system a costly nightmare.『19words』

23、Unfortunately, large OLED screens are costly to make and OLEDs tend not to last as long as standard LEDs.『19words』

24、No more costly last time buys, stocking more inventory than you need, or application redesign due to obsolete components.『19words』

25、In Fenchurch Street a fair child, in costly apparel, stood on a stage to welcome his Majesty to the city.『20words』

26、The analogy method is most often used when measurements of the actual object are not possible, extremely difficult, time consuming or costly.『22words』

27、They make it very costly, socially costly, to divorce, so then they stay together for all kinds of reasons, not always such good ones.『24words』

28、Even more than coding guidelines, complexity analysis is the foundation for identifying the riskiest, more error-prone, most difficult and costly-to-maintain code in your system.『24words』

29、Due to the restrain of the steep terrain, the construction expenditure of highway in mountainous areas is far more costly than that in the flatland.『25words』

30、Our customers understand that our well-proven TMR technology helps protect their people and their assets, while avoiding false safety trips and the associated costly process downtime.『26words』



31、You can often buy an even less-costly computer if you opt for the Linux operating system, but I still don't advise this for average non-techie users.『26words』

32、Meanwhile, the report suggests that the extant infrastructure be maintained at its highest level, any new and costly investment should be avoid unless very careful studies have been done.『29words』

33、She found instead that most bankruptcies resulted from job loss or illness at home, a situation made worse by Banks that were increasingly learning to trap people in costly debt cycles.『31words』

34、Provisions available in local shops have to be flown into Nunavut on one of the most costly air networks in the world, or brought by supply ship during the few ice-free weeks of summer.『34words』

35、This type of Ajax pattern is particularly handy when you have a line item or detail type report in which finding the detail of each record is costly, and therefore, doing so on demand is ideal.『36words』

36、I seek out costly playthings,and gather lumps of gold and silver. With whatever you find you create your glad games, I spend both my time and my strength over things I never can obtain. 我寻求贵重的玩具,收集金块与银块。 你呢,无论找到什么便去做你的快乐的游戏,我呢,却把我的时间与力气都浪费在那些我永不能得到的东西上。『36words』

37、It appears that money will be either a bone of contention with a friend or lover, or a source of worry, perhaps because you are planning to participate in a social event that will prove quite costly.『37words』


上一篇:get back造句,用get back怎么造句子(37句)