

1、Will they be rescued『4words』

2、Hurrah, George was rescued『4words』

3、Firefighters rescued the two men.『5words』

4、They were eventually rescued by helicopter.『6words』

5、Twenty one people have been rescued.『6words』

6、I rescued my belongings from the flood.『7words』

7、The exhausted climbers were rescued by helicopter.『7words』

8、He rescued the captured tiger by himself.『7words』

9、The survivors suffered many privations before they were rescued.『9words』

10、The lifeboat rescued the sailors from the sinking boat.『9words』



11、Luckily, they were rescued before any harm befell them.『9words』

12、He dived into the water and rescued the drawning boy.『10words』

13、Now you have rescued the Israelites from the LORD's hand.『10words』

14、We have never heard from anyone claiming to have rescued Gigi.『11words』

15、The survivors were suffering from severe frostbite when they were rescued.『11words』

16、They survived by running the heating in their vehicles until police rescued them.『13words』

17、Her horse was a show jumper whom the family rescued from the knacker 's yard.『15words』

18、“I was rescued from a burning car but my mother died in the accident,'' explained Karen.『16words』

19、After many weeks of this kind of medical bungling, Garfield was rescued by death on September 19th.『17words』

20、He rescued him from the quicksand of affliction and suffering and set his feet on solid rock.『17words』



21、He told reporters the commandos rescued all crew members while killing eight Somali pirates and capturing another five.『18words』

22、Later it was said that it was an insider, not a toad, who rescued Xiao Wang at that time.『19words』

23、This tale of a single rescued child hints at some of the reasons for Finland's amazing record of education success.『20words』

24、The dog is one of about a hundred rescued and rehabilitated in the wake of the May 12 earthquake that killed nearly 70, 000 people.『25words』

25、Results 40 cases IMS patients were given endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation with cholinesterase agent, 36 cases were rescued, 4 cases died, success rate was 90%.『26words』

26、Often been the farmers and their exports that have rescued the economy only to see populist governments in Buenos Aires plunder the Pampas to placate their urban voters.『28words』

27、State television in China says that nine miners have been rescued from a flooded coal mine in Shanxi province where 153 people have been trapped for a week.『28words』

28、He said, "Praise be to the Lord, who rescued you from the hand of the Egyptians and of Pharaoh, and who rescued the people from the hand of the Egyptians."『30words』

29、Nurhachi led 20,000 iron horsemen and went straight to the main place to comfort them, forcing Li Yongfang to surrender and killing Zhang Chengyin and other general who rescued them.『30words』

30、Axel, plunged into absolute darkness, was rescued not by the sudden appearance of a mysterious angel, but by a natural echo. The miracle is that he accidentally perceived the echo.『30words』



31、He came to the island settled, how to arrange how life, how does the hunt, and rescued from the savage how captive, and finally how to return to the motherland rescued.『31words』

32、Those children who are rescued are taken to the Honduran Institute of Childhood and Family and then handed over to their parents with the promise that their rights will be protected.『31words』

33、A town of southern Uganda on Lake Victoria. At its airport in1976 Israeli commando forces rescued most of the hostages held aboard an Air France plane by Palestinian hijackers. Population, 21, 289.『32words』

34、Just like Odysseus rescued himself from the Cyclops by claiming that he was no one, the young heroine of our play also tries to 'rescue' herself by claiming that she is' no one '.『34words』

35、我能听到别人听不到的My ears hear what others cannot hear.能看到别人看不到的 微小的遥远的东西Small,faraway things people cannot normally see are visible to me.这些感知是渴望了一生的结果These senses are the fruits of a lifetime of longing.渴望被拯救Longing to be rescued.渴望被补全To be completed.就像渴望被风吹起的裙摆Just as the skirk needs wind to billow...『38words』

36、Like traditional Chinese medicine, the Chinese characters have been under western impact, but the difference lies in the fact that the Chinese characters have been unexpected rescued from a desperate situation, while the future of traditional Chinese medicine is still uncertain.『41words』

37、When the woman disguised herself as a man, she accidentally rescued the seriously injured man. After getting along with him, she felt that the man had the ambition to be interested in the world and was willing to give advice to him as a staff member.『46words』

