

1、exposed conductive part『3words』

2、double-exposed holographic interferometry『3words』

3、She exposed their plot.『4words』

4、house exposed to west『4words』

5、exposed location single buoy mooring『5words』

6、diapositive ,photographic, exposed and developed『5words』

7、Be completely exposed; completely unmasked『5words』

8、This film has been exposed.『5words』

9、To the Godhead now revealed, exposed.『6words』

10、Protects exposed machina tools parts from corrosion.『7words』



11、She was left feeling exposed and vulnerable.『7words』

12、He apparently was exposed from peeling paint.『7words』

13、Cleaning exposed the grain of the wood.『7words』

14、I thought being exposed to radiation is dangerous.『8words』

15、It has also exposed the economy's waning competitiveness.『8words』

16、Clean exposed surfaces of compartments, hardware, and fittings.『8words』

17、Which economies are most exposed to a slowdown in Japan?『10words』

18、Men go to war and are exposed to combat stress.『10words』

19、In fact, any existing EJB can be exposed as a CORBA server object.『13words』

20、The DOM is increasingly exposed in tools: Web browsers, SVG browsers, OpenOffice, and others.『14words』



21、Exposed Fasteners: Unless otherwise indicated, provide countersunk flat Phillips heads for exposed screws and bolts.『15words』

22、The main diagenesis developed during the LST period is fargoing karstification in the exposed area.『15words』

23、The Iceman might be the most exposed and invaded person who ever walked the planet.『15words』

24、This disallows other services or partitions from communicating to services that are not exposed via gateways.『16words』

25、As more ice melts, more dark open water is exposed, which absorbs more heat, accelerating the melting.『17words』

26、They were also almost 50 per cent more likely to be a current smoker than those least exposed.『18words』

27、A pattern emerged, with areas where factories were most exposed to Chinese import growth faring worse than the less exposed.『20words』

28、Painted concrete floors, exposed metal strapping, exposed steel fasteners convey an honesty of expression and integration of structure, materiality and architecture.『21words』

29、These brick walls have also been left exposed inside the house, sandwiched between an exposed concrete soffit and a polished terrazzo floor.『22words』

30、Ratiosof actually measured value to predictive velue of FVC, FEV_(1.0) and FEF_(25 - 75)in the exposed group correlated with exposed years negatively.『22words』



31、In this small study, the researchers exposed immune cells from 10 smallpox-vaccinated people to HIV. Cells from 10 people never vaccinated against smallpox were also exposed.『26words』

32、In order to explore effects of ethylene glycol on renal functions in exposed workers, urine protein of 133 exposed workers and 134 control workers was examined with Beckman Array 360.『30words』

33、Pulmonary ventilation functions were determined dynamically in retired miners exposed to nickel dust and 8 non exposed ones in 98, 988 and 99, respectively to study their damage and change patterns.『31words』

34、Boys exposed to high levels tend to have a longer ring finger relative to their index finger, while in males exposed to lower levels, the two fingers tend to be a similar length.『33words』

35、His clothes were thin, and he wore a pair of shoes on his back. His left thumb was exposed, his right heel was broken, and his exposed heel was frozen in the winter and winter months.『36words』

36、I mean, you still find it at newsstands in the airport and so on, but the best and the brightest know that they are not supposed to talk about it anymore: because it was exposed and they were exposed.『39words』


上一篇:at night造句,用at night怎么造句子(36句)