

1、Bluntly stated, money talks.『4words』

2、criticism too polemically stated.『4words』

3、appeal with grounds stated『4words』

4、These are all stated exceptions.『5words』

5、she stated her name blushingly.『5words』

6、My thought stated to wander.『5words』

7、What is the actual quantity stated『6words』

8、The contract was stated to be invalid.『7words』

9、Its detail design of system is stated.『7words』

10、All drawings by me unless otherwise stated.『7words』



11、This will drastically reduce the stated risk.『7words』

12、stated that he could only deliver one wish,『8words』

13、An effective resume should include a clearly stated objective.『9words』

14、I have merely stated facts in a dogmatic way.『9words』

15、The injection complies with the requirements stated under Parenteral Preparations.『10words』

16、They stated themselves to be members of a secret society.『10words』

17、“You're wounded," she stated, and seemed to stare into his body.『11words』

18、She stated that the money would come from the city's general budget.『12words』

19、As stated earlier, MediaWiki has functioned as more than a collaboration tool for many organizations.『15words』

20、HSF requirements not stated by the customer but necessary for specified or intended USES, where known.『16words』



21、Remarks: Awardees are required to submit deliverables to the Fund Committee by the stated delivery date.『16words』

22、Composition and design process of general line network of cigarette storage transmission equipment PROFIBUS-DP is stated.『16words』

23、In fact, vaguely-stated possibilities of winning a prize were more effective than options with hard odds included.『17words』

24、St. Thomas Aquinas, one of history's foremost experts on angels, stated that all people have guardian angels.『17words』

25、Sorbara had stated that any option, other than the complete privatization of the LCBO, would be open for discussion.『19words』

26、A firm offer is a promise to sell goods at a stated price, usually within a stated period of time.『20words』

27、The ability of a functional unit to perform a required function under stated conditions for a stated period of time.『20words』

28、“Say 'Miss Smith, '" the librarian stated authoritatively. "Say 'Miss Smith' always - until you come to know her better.『20words』

29、For no-par stock with a stated value, an appropriate title-for example, paid-in capital in excess of stated value - describes the difference.『22words』

30、Students must take activities within the stated areas in the school campus and are responsible for any consequences outside the stated areas.『22words』



31、The structure, operating principle and main design points of the hopper-type automatic-feeding bending die used on a general stamping machine are stated.『22words』

32、ISO14001 EMS is a current environment management model, some problems those shoudbe noticed in setting up ISO14001 EMS in power plant have been stated.『24words』

33、However, our Hygienic Standard for Cosmetics and Hygienic Standard for Cosmetics (2007 edition) explicitly stated, using dioxane as raw material in the end products is prohibited.『26words』

34、The provision for bad debts should be accounted for separately and accounts receivable should be stated be stated net of the provision for bad debts in the balance sheet.『29words』

35、Unless otherwise stated, the Seller shall arrange delivery of the products to the Buyer at the destination port stated herein and by the appropriate transportation means as the Seller shall think fit.『32words』

36、The definite price stated by a customer to a broker restricting the execution of an order to buy for not more than, or to sell for not less than, the stated price.『32words』

