


2、有时,海盗们会使用一种叫“发汗”( sweating)的刑罚:俘虏被要求不停的绕着海盗船的桅杆奔跑,直到筋疲力尽再也跑不动为止。『2words』

3、cure(a cold,fever,etc)by sweating『3words』

4、sweating heavily, profusely, etc『4words』

5、The cheese is sweating.『4words』

6、profuse bleeding, sweating, tears『4words』

7、The wall are sweating.『4words』

8、Body sweating, can cure it?『5words』

9、He is sweating all over.『5words』

10、sweating of palms and soles『5words』



11、I woke up sweating and nervous.『6words』

12、He was sweating from the intense heat.『7words』

13、We have to do it by sweating.『7words』

14、Small doses depress salivary and bronchial secretion and sweating.『9words』

15、Why, it was nothing more or less than sweating『9words』

16、This is done to check for sweating, swelling, or pain.『10words』

17、And I was doubled over, soaked through my clothes sweating.『10words』

18、excessively hot and humid or marked by sweating and faintness.『10words』

19、We were sweating profusely from the exertion of moving the furniture.『11words』

20、Theories abound as to how the ionized particles interfere with the sweating process.『13words』



21、When you're sweating a lot, you don't want to ration what you drink.『13words』

22、Indigestion accompanied by shortness of breath, sweating, or pain radiating to the jaw, neck, or arm.『16words』

23、Stepping on the thorn face does not change color, sweating and laughing back, full of grace and calmness.『18words』

24、Bending under the weight of the packs, sweating, they climbed steadily in the pine forest that covered the mountainside.『19words』

25、Sunscreen lotion with an SPF of 15 or above is recommended. Apply liberally and re-apply after swimming or sweating.『19words』

26、He may also be sweating it out, hoping that success in the upper-house elections will enable him to eject his awkward bedfellows.『22words』

27、I could spend months sweating over my own "paintings", but I'd produce something you wouldn't want to hang in your living room.『22words』

28、One challenge that squirrels face, well many small mammals do, is that because of their size, sweating would make them lose too much moisture.『24words』

29、In July, Ji'nan was very hot and sweating. In July of this year, the temperature reached thirty-eight degrees, and the sauna weather was very uncomfortable.『25words』

30、Abnormal sweating (too much or too little) at the site of an old but still painful arm or leg injury is a sign of complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS).『29words』



31、Sweating increases to allow the body to burn more calories without a rise in body temperature. (in theory, sweating also makes the skin slippery and more difficult for a predator to grab.)『32words』

32、Take sweating, for example. I imagine men sweated in the distant past, they sweat today and will sweat for some time to come. This should therefore count as a comparatively "eternal" human quality.『33words』

33、So it consists mainly of semi-quaver runs, but Mozart writes at the heading, molto allegro making it more difficult to play and then very short notes so the pianist is really sweating hard.『33words』

34、The more you sweat, the more fat you burn This myth has encouraged people to work out in extreme heat or wear layers of clothes or rubber or plastic weight-loss suits in the hope of sweating fat off.『38words』

35、I jerked my head trying to look out of the basket. Nurses in white smocks and hats swarmed round the pale, sweating woman who sighed as if she had just woken up from a nightmare, her swollen eye-lids half-closed.『39words』

36、 A young man in an apron on the side of the road was sweating and frying fried dough sticks. He carefully wiped off the greasy sweat on his face with his hands and threw it into the oil pan with a brainy hand.『44words』

