

1、Chueh-hui cried hotly.『3words』

2、Wan-erh retorted hotly.『3words』

3、All still hotly debated.『4words』

4、His views were hotly disputed.『5words』

5、Willie jumped and flushed hotly.『5words』

6、The issue remains hotly disputed.『5words』

7、Its influence is hotly debated.『5words』

8、We would hotly contest this idea.『6words』

9、The bank hotly denies any wrongdoing.『6words』

10、the hotly debated question of abortion『6words』



11、The pent-up air burst hotly from Rainsford's lungs.『8words』

12、A hotly contested will;answered hotly that he was innocent.『9words』

13、She left the theatre, hotly pursued by the press.『9words』

14、Among mental health professionals, that question is hotly debated.『9words』

15、Crisis event is the topic discussed hotly recent years.『9words』

16、Such jobs are hotly contested, despite the clubs’ poor financial state.『11words』

17、But this year, unexpectedly, animation is becoming a hotly contested race.『11words』

18、One could hear every subject under the sun being hotly discussed.『11words』

19、It will be hotly debated, but most of the Numbers sketched out now will survive.『15words』

20、The area of social media and online is certainly hotly contended for the travel sector.『15words』



21、Peter felt that she was calling him names, and at a venture he retorted hotly, "So are you!"『18words』

22、Windows 7, which went on sale on Oct 22, was one of the year's most hotly anticipated launches.『18words』

23、Spec work is a hotly debated topic in the design industry, and we won’t get into it here.『18words』

24、In pride the wicked hotly pursue the afflicted; Let them be caught in the plots which they have devised.『19words』

25、The event went unreported on mainstream Iranian news outlets but has been hotly discussed on the country's highly active blogosphere.『20words』

26、Whether or not we can catch up on sleep on the weekend, say — is a hotly debated topic among sleep researchers.『22words』

27、Bigger knew that soon he would have to clean the ashes out, for the fire was not burning as hotly as it should.『23words』

28、One of the most ambitious, if hotly contested, theories of the income gap is spelled out by economists Robert Frank and Philip Cook.『23words』

29、The most hotly anticipated movie of 2009, at least for a large segment of the movie-going public, is Zack Snyder's new superhero film Watchmen.『24words』

30、Clearly, only the biggest and most flexible television companies are going to be able to compete in such a rich and hotly contested market.『24words』



31、But she is also a vote-winner, and despite the charges against her, the party is seeking her re-election in hotly-contested town and county elections next year.『26words』

32、The government has been expected to address the restoration of the judiciary first, before moving on to what is expected to be a hotly contested struggle to elect a new President.『31words』

33、If it turns out that NEPA has not made a major contribution to preserving the environment-a matter which is itself hotly disputed-perhaps some of the blame should go to the Supreme Court.『32words』

34、But the issue of whether they are worth staging is hotly contested. Montreal emerged from the 1976 event with a $1.2bn deficit, an amount reportedly still being paid off by residents through local taxes.『34words』

35、The literature award was the fourth of this year's Nobel Prizes to be announced and one of the most hotly anticipated given the sheer amount of guessing it generated in the weeks leading up to award.『36words』

36、For a timeless time, she lay still, her face in the dirt, the sun beating hotly upon her, remembering things and people who were dead, remembering a way of living that was gone forever--and looking upon the harsh vista of the dark future.『43words』

