


2、How is it spelled『4words』

3、My name was spelled wrong.『5words』

4、Have you spelled it correctly?『5words』

5、Is your name spelled correctly?『5words』

6、First of all, they're spelled differently.『6words』

7、A real general is spelled out.『6words』

8、Beauty has never been spelled out.『6words』

9、CA1704: Identifiers should be spelled correctly.『6words』

10、spelled onto my hand by a companion『7words』



11、Are the server and repository names spelled correctly?『8words』

12、Proper nouns are spelled with a capital letter.『8words』

13、The company name was spelled out in gold letters.『9words』

14、When a small child... I thought that success spelled happiness.『10words』

15、So he again spelled out tough conditions for Palestinian statehood.『10words』

16、She took Helen's hand and spelled a word in her hand.『11words』

17、What this means in practice has yet to be spelled out.『11words』

18、I told Dobrynin what we had decided and spelled out the options once again.『14words』

19、So, orthodoxy needs to be spelled out to limit the scope for doctrinal dissent.『14words』

20、His contract spelled out that no one else at the airport could shine shoes.『14words』



21、Mnemosyne, whose name is spelled with some difficulty, is spelled on the lower part of your handout.『17words』

22、two words are homonyms if they are pronounced or spelled the same way but have different meanings.『17words』

23、Depending on phonetics, it takes one or two frames to form certain letters before sound is spelled.『17words』

24、One word stood between her and the world championship. With little hesitation, Katharine correctly spelled the word ursprache.『18words』

25、The docs may not have been clear in earlier versions of PIL, but in Pillow it's spelled out pretty well.『20words』

26、Large loans are seldom the issue; they are usually treated as business transactions, with the terms spelled out on paper.『20words』

27、“Saltpetre (or nitre also spelled saltpeter orniter):Transparent, colourless, or white powder or crystals of potassium nitrate (KNO3), found native in deposits."『21words』

28、Therefore, the nature and character of that development and the meaning we attach to it need to be carefully spelled out.『21words』

29、That's why in Britain, America, France and Russia aspirin is not a patent medicine, and is spelled with a small "a."『21words』

30、An unsupervised approach would have the computer read billions of Web pages and sort the correctly spelled new terms from the typos.『22words』



31、The poll was conducted Wednesday and Thursday after the president spelled out his new Afghanistan policy in a prime-time address Tuesday night at the U. S. Military Academy at West Point, New York.『33words』

32、It was the 2 Algonquian Indians that first gave this island its name, but they pronounced and spelled it Manahatn. Later it became known as New Amsterdam and, finally in 1664, as New York.『34words』

33、Jin Yi then spelled out his plan: "on the night of the 15th day of the 1st month, when the Lantern Festival lights up the city in celebration of the year's first full moon."『34words』

34、They were the ones who had waited three years in vain for furloughs and while they waited received ill-spelled letters from home: "We air hungry" "There won't be no crop this year--there ain't nobody to plow."『36words』

35、The Iberian Peninsula— now home to Spain, Portugal, and Gibraltar— was a final holdout for Neandertals( often spelled" Neanderthals") as modern humans spread across the rest of Europe and an ice age descended, a new study says.『37words』

36、Life is a piece of piece together. The material chosen is good, and the taste of spelling is good. The material chosen is good, and the life that is spelled out is full of flavor. A little life, full of life! Give yourself more confidence and enrich your life.『49words』

