

1、silenced pneumatic drill『3words』

2、He silenced all his critics.『5words』

3、All protest had been silenced.『5words』

4、The machine gun was silenced.『5words』

5、She silenced him with a glare.『6words』

6、Cy Jordan silenced the warning horn.『6words』

7、silenced the crowd with a gesture.『6words』

8、With an angry stare, Mother silenced Mary.『7words』

9、Even the Rafer haters are being silenced.『7words』

10、They silenced him by money or other inducements.『8words』



11、Huxey was silenced by the company of "swells".『8words』

12、Mr Grummage silenced my objections with an upraised hand.『9words』

13、He laughed triumphantly, and silenced her by manly smothering.『9words』

14、The team leader silenced his men with a hand sign.『10words』

15、So, can other types of RNA be therapeutically silenced in tumours?『11words』

16、Milton is narrating or representing the process by which they are silenced.『12words』

17、The Guardian calls people silenced in this manner "Right to Information martyrs."『12words』

18、I was silenced without so much as an opportunity to say good-bye.『12words』

19、Effect of siRNA silenced human tissue factor gene on colorectal carcinoma cell invasion and metastasis『15words』

20、Let their lying lips be silenced, for with pride and contempt they speak arrogantly against the righteous.『17words』



21、He opened the back door and stepped out into the cold air, which silenced the baby instantaneously.『17words』

22、If any member of the family dares to open his mouth during a programme, he is quickly silenced.『18words』

23、Lord Ramsay silenced him, yanking a spear from one of Steelshanks's men and driving it down through Luton's chest.『19words』

24、 Don't give your baby any raw vegetables or hard fruits, such as carrots and apples, because they may cause asphyxia.『21words』

25、If a naysayer close to you has been difficult and critical, there's a good chance that you've finally silenced that person.『21words』

26、If you hear a voice within you say “you cannot paint,” then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.如果你听到自己心里说“你画不好”,那就竭尽全力画好,那个声音就会乖乖闭嘴。『22words』

27、As in the embryo experiments, he then silenced the cancer-cell genes that produced reverse transcriptase, and likewise found the tumours grew more slowly.『23words』

28、 The teenager's questioning silenced the man. When he saw his brother's sunspot being held against by a pistol, the teenager was still very calm.『25words』

29、His book, Cultural Capital, simply silenced not the public, because nothing ever silences the public, but simply silenced the debate about the culture wars in the academy.『27words』

30、A super model writing recipes isn't something that would normally convince us, but Top Chef host and famous foodie Padma Lakshmi's recipes silenced the skeptic in us.『27words』



31、At a time when women s voices were silenced and their hopes dismissed, she lived to see them stand up and speak out and reach for the ballot.『28words』

32、But the deadly sinking of a South Korean warship more than seven months ago has silenced any talk about a show of unity in Guangzhou even before it began.『29words』

33、They are suspected in damage to at least a dozen satellites, and the failure of the Galaxy IV satellite during a 1998 solar storm that silenced 80% of North America's pagers.『31words』

34、Now he faces the opposition from hell: a reckless, populist Republican Party whose moderate voices have been silenced by ideologues and which has made throwing him out of office its foremost priority.『32words』

35、If only my mouth, before it should be silenced by a bullet, could shout this name in such a way that it could be heard in Germany... my voice, my human voice, was weak.『34words』

36、The fading chanteuse, he wrote, was “like a dying moth, ” singing “in a voice like a shout from a tomb, . . . the voice of life itself, refusing to die, refusing to be silenced.”『36words』

