


2、It's the dreaded lurgy !『5words』

3、Hearing that dreaded first alarm.『5words』

4、Why are pandemics such dreaded events?『6words』

5、I remember how I dreaded it.『6words』

6、I dreaded coming back, to be honest.『7words』

7、He dreaded the interview with Mrs. Fox.『7words』

8、She dreaded his having another heart attack.『7words』

9、This usually results in the dreaded #2038 error.『8words』

10、This problem is the dreaded N + 1 problem.『9words』



11、How I dreaded those long 9 a.m. elevator rides.『9words』

12、She dreaded that her child might be taken from her.『10words』

13、The divorce I had dreaded ultimately proved to be simple.『10words』

14、Southern African mamba dreaded because of its quickness and readiness to bite.『12words』

15、I had a bunch of dreaded, dull tasks to take care of.『12words』

16、She smiled and turned her foot back and forth. Then came the dreaded question.『14words』

17、Some of the troubles we saw were every bit as bad as I had dreaded.『15words』

18、Now he dreaded indeed those ideas that had then opened to him boundless vistas of light.『16words』

19、We've all sucked down a milkshake so quickly that it causes a sudden headache-the dreaded brain freeze.『17words』

20、Keep adding code recklessly and, before you know it, you'll have created the dreaded Big Ball of Mud.『18words』



21、However, once in the US and kept under our conditions, they too experience the dreaded insulinoma and adrenal disease.『19words』

22、He will bring upon you all the diseases of Egypt that you dreaded, and they will cling to you.『19words』

23、I had dreaded worse. I had dreaded he was mad. I summoned strength to ask what had caused this calamity.『20words』

24、He dreaded to contemplate Thomasin wedded to the mere corpse of a lover that he now felt himself to be.『20words』

25、Notice the white triangular sticker located on the right EMI shield? We did too... it's our dreaded enemy, the liquid indicator.『21words』

26、Mrs. Wilson might awake in a state which Mary dreaded to anticipate, and anticipated while she dreaded in a state of complete delirium.『23words』

27、“Just checking the dreaded VB hasn't managed to get hold of any of our clothes, " the Daily Mail quoted her, as saying.『23words』

28、Now that what he dreaded had happened, Xiangzi's heart swelled with shame and discomfiture and he stood still, stupidly, speechless, gazing at her『23words』

29、CHILDREN in former communist East Germany will be given lessons about the dreaded Stasi secret police, amid fears Stasi horrors have been forgotten.『23words』

30、As a physician who travels quite a lot, I spend a lot of time on planes listening for that dreaded"Is there a doctor on board?'『25words』



31、A 14-year-old Chinese boy overcame two of humankind's most dreaded 1 fears-getting stuck in an elevator and getting homework done, in a single night thanks to his quick-witted character.『29words』

32、Meal times are one of the cornerstones of your daily routine. They can be the most joyous part of your day or the most dreaded part of your day.『29words』

33、One in nine love missives received on Valentine's Day were sent by people to themselves "to save face on the dreaded V-day," according to a survey released by online retailer amazon.co.uk on Thursday.『33words』

34、He; yielding under the pressure of a complicated something, long dreaded and long vaguely foreseen and contended against, and recovering after the cloud had burst and passed, I should hope that the worst was over.'『35words』

35、“To him it was a look of waiting. And a little thin tongue of fire suddenly flickered in his loins, at the root of his back, and he groaned in spirit. He dreaded with a repulsion almost of death, any further close human contact."『44words』

36、the awful war; an awful risk; dire news; a career or vengeance so direful that London was shocked; the dread presence of the headmaster; polio is no longer the dreaded disease it once was; a dreadful storm; a fearful howling; horrendous explosions shook the city; a terrible curse.『48words』

