

1、compute-limited switching『2words』

2、compute the average of.『4words』

3、This defines the compute nodes.『5words』

4、EC2 (Elastic Computingcloud,**计算云)该服务接口提供了“云中可变的计算能力(resizable compute capacityinthe cloud)”(也就是说,随需而变的个*化Linux映像)。『6words』

5、Which minors do we need to compute『7words』

6、People appear to be born to compute.『7words』

7、Valid value - Replace, append, delete, and compute.『8words』

8、Tables can be replicated to several compute nodes.『8words』

9、So, you could compute these two vectors explicitly.『8words』

10、This will allow you to compute the elapsed time.『9words』



11、Kaplan-Meier methods were used to compute the survival analyses.『9words』

12、We will have to compute something called the adjoint matrix.『10words』

13、We take LM method to compute the minimizer of the function.『11words』

14、Rack layout for each rack type (for example, management racks and compute racks).『13words』

15、Conversely, the model might dynamically compute information that is recorded for validation purposes.『13words』

16、The thesis presents a highly efficient processor architecture design methodology for local compute-intensive applications.『14words』

17、Before invoking the stylesheet transformation, the compute node Standardise slightly alters the captured WSDL document.『15words』

18、Have on the construction certain difficulty, has been analyzed detailedly and compute, adopted the dependable technique measure.『17words』

19、Just as we do work, when we compute this line integral, usually we don't do it geometrically like this.『19words』

20、The two dimensional heat conduction model is used to compute the time that the plate cooling to setting temperature.『19words』



21、A new method based on the theory of adjoint systems to compute the controlling unstable equilibrium point is presented.『19words』

22、Compared to desktop computers, they have less screen real estate, less memory, less compute power, and battery capacity limits.『19words』

23、In this paper, a boundary integral equation method is applied to compute the dynamic stress intensity factors of collinear periodic antiplane cracks.『22words』

24、The convergence rate of subspace iteration method used to compute eigenvalues problem is confined when the distribution range of eigenvalues is large.『22words』

25、The hyperbola model was taken as the load transfer function and the axial pile force was taken as iteration variable for compute iteratively.『23words』

26、By using the advantage of information equipment of special soft ware, compute terminal, server and infinity net, wireless transmission system of daily is made up.『25words』

27、This paper proposed a new certificateless two-party key agreement protocol using pairing operation in elliptic curves, it only required each party to compute one pairing.『25words』

28、It's based on the idea of mathematical "trap-door" functions, which are easy to compute in one direction but very difficult to compute in the reverse direction.『26words』

29、Tare Weight: in accordance with the quantity and package type, CIQ will sample(1-5)% bales from each lot of cotton and compute the average tare weight by weighted average.『28words』

30、So it's necessary to set up a image processing system to handle the high-speed digital signals, it's used to acquire the beaconing light and compute it's undershot signal.『28words』



31、For simplicity, it is recommended that you uncomment the line CALL CopyMessageHeaders ; from the standard compute node template, and follow it with the ESQL code provided in this article.『30words』

32、It can effectively compute and analysis the problem in magnetic field, it also visualized the magnetic field of the air gap , so that we can intuitionally resole the issue.『30words』

33、The test that we saw last time saying, well, to check if something is a gradient field if it's conservative, 0 we just have to compute the curl and check whether it's zero.『33words』

34、If you need only to compute the distance and not alignments, as is usually the case, it is easy to reduce this to o (n), since only the previous row is required to compute the next.『36words』

35、A subroutine that returns the value of a single variable, and that usually has a single exit, for example, subroutines that compute mathematical functions, such as sine, cosine, logarithm, or that compute the maximum of a set of numbers.『39words』

36、Main theme: The sequence shown according to the diagram presses a tube one by one in order, ejecting together the liquid of the color, can make1 animal for correspond, must compute first to still want the eye disease very much quick moving!『42words』

