

1、real estates cadastre『3words』

2、executor of small estates『4words』

3、new housing estates spawning everywhere『5words』

4、She was seized of vast estates.『6words』

5、A low hedge parted the two estates.『7words』

6、He [She] is heir to large estates.『7words』

7、And where be our family mansions and estates『8words』

8、The four estates remain the greatest brands in wine.『9words』

9、The Government has broken up the large private estates.『9words』

10、He inherited vast estates on his accession to the throne.『10words』



11、Under this system many estates were entailed in the eighteen century.『11words』

12、On the Evolutions of the feudal landownership and estates in īl-■ānid State『12words』

13、The administrator will need to refer to legislation covering administration of intestate estates.『13words』

14、I want the triumph of seeing my descendant fairly lord of their estates.『13words』

15、There, on some housing estates, unemployment touches 50%, over five times the national average.『14words』

16、There are two main types of freehold estatesestates on fee simple and life estates.『15words』

17、The industrial estates have helped broaden the industry base and upgrade the technology level of Hong Kong.『17words』

18、“By comparison, retirees and housewives are more sociable, as they spend more time about the housing estates."『17words』

19、In 1998, a total of 35 blocks in older estates were cleared and 12200 households were rehoused.『17words』

20、It manages public rental housing estates, interim housing, transit centres, flatted factories and ancillary commercial and community facilities.『18words』



21、They are introduced mainly to and from housing estates, primarily during peak hours, to supplement franchised bus services.『18words』

22、Estates in land are divided into two broad categories according to the duration of the estate: freehold estates and leasehold estates.『21words』

23、the country estates and their gardens had been ruined through the impoverishment of their owners and the decay of the towns.『21words』

24、But far from meeting human needs, the new estates often proved to be windswept deserts lacking essential social facilities and services.『21words』

25、His lack of imagination and the narrowness of his social loyalties have ranged against him one of the fundamental estates of the realm.『23words』

26、Only in the 1930s, after the reservoir of large estates ready to be sold had been exhausted, did Zionist organizations turn to purchasing land from small owners.『27words』

27、On the first day of the Lunar New Year, I visited two families, the Chans and the Lams in the public housing estates in Ma On Shan.『27words』

28、The Hong Kong industrial estates Corporation (HKIEC) develops and manages industrial estates at Tai Po, Yuen Long and Tseung Kwan o, providing 214 hectares of land in total.『28words』

29、Hackney is a mishmash, where newly built luxury flats housing the City's more adventurous bankers and lawyers compete with ill-conceived concrete estates that make even the police hesitate.『28words』

30、The Authority may make bylaws to provide for the management and control of its estates;the sanitation and cleansing of its estates; the health of persons living in its estates『29words』



31、Sites in the estates are offered at cost to both manufacturing and service industries with new or improved technology and processes which cannot operate in multi-storey factory or commercial buildings.『30words』

32、Based on the land reserve's inherent nature of the options, this paper will first give the concept of the real estates' land reserves at the micro level with the relevant policies.『31words』

33、Small investors-by the government's standards ?will get a bigger crack at buying real estates and other assets seized in the saving and loan scandal, the S & L cleanup agency said yesterday.『32words』

34、It is a statutory requirement that rents for existing estates are reviewed every three years, and that the overall Median Rent-to-Income Ratio for all estates following rent adjustment should not exceed 10 per cent.『34words』

35、'Infected with the new doctrines,' said a third, eyeing the direction through his glass in passing; 'set himself in opposition to the last Marquis, abandoned the estates when he inherited them, and left them to the ruffian herd.『38words』

36、The members were also informed that for the third month of the trial period, residents in those estates that do not try out the food waste bags are provided with larger designated bags(20- litre), while those residents already given food waste bags will have15- litre designated bags.『47words』

