

1、He nodded solemnly.『3words』

2、The presidents solemnly declare:『4words』

3、the judge sat there solemnly.『5words』

4、The Gryphon replied very solemnly.『5words』

5、The choir walked solemnly past.『5words』

6、“I never drink!" exclaimed Unsho solemnly.『6words』

7、affirm or avow formally or solemnly.『6words』

8、I lift my heavy heart up solemnly.『7words』

9、“I have the money," he solemnly told the owner.『9words』

10、Warren had been talking along very solemnly, flourishing his pointer.『10words』



11、Boom! Just like that, freedom. Now solemnly unmount the drive.『10words』

12、I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.『10words』

13、For this collective action, the head teacher solemnly declared discipline.『10words』

14、Laser cells, they say solemnly, could have important USES in medicine.『11words』

15、When the LORD heard what you said, he was angry and solemnly swore.『13words』

16、Michael solemnly replies that there are a few decent men down in A-Wing.『13words』

17、He worked solemnly along, his fountain pen tracing stroke after stroke on the page.『14words』

18、It is solemnly declared that her judges are full of corruption, cozenage, fraud, and malice. Four falsehoods.『17words』

19、The staff to accept Mark, solemnly said to us: "need to how much to eat, how much is!"『18words』

20、She solemnly put a chair for him by the bedside and another for herself at a little distance.『18words』



21、I solemnly tell you, don't use the computer to check any more, it's no problem to use your own brain.『20words』

22、Want you in the new year, don't worry so much, but also solemnly tell you that the son grew up!『20words』

23、Two of the armored men moved forward with obvious pride on their faces and stood solemnly in front of the dais.『21words』

24、and after sucking out his last wreath, and heaving a profound sigh, he got up, and departed as solemnly as he came.『22words』

25、The Brotherhood is broken,” the gulls intoned together, and with one accord they solemnly closed their ears and turned their backs upon him.『23words』

26、Yi writers and poets from different regions follow Professor Luo in the same breath, thinking solemnly about Longyun and its ancestors, and paying tribute to a hero.『27words』

27、No amount of laughter disconcerted her, and not till several minutes had gone by - or so it seemed - would she sit down solemnly, making her chair creak.『29words』

28、The first Englishman was warmly and solemnly treated by the Royal court, and the embarrassed shareholders of the East India Company would probably feel ashamed and at a loss.『29words』

29、The final chord hung in the air for a moment, then dissolved like golden dust into the mournful atmosphere of the church. No one applauded; the congregation was solemnly silent.『30words』

30、In April 1996, the Chinese government solemnly declared its suspension of export of APLs that are not compatible with those APLs provided for in the Amended Landmine Protocol to the CCW.『31words』



31、The geese lined up in a neat zigzag, flying forward with the same goal. They shouted loudly in the sky as if solemnly declaring that their ranks were neat and their goals were clear.『34words』

32、Qin Wang Zheng wholeheartedly welcomed Han Fei. After summoning hundreds of officials to the palace and solemnly accepting Han Fei's national letters, he entertained Han Fei at a state banquet in the evening, accompanied by ministers such as prime ministers.『40words』

33、In Men Against Hitler, Cahen, after giving an account of the rise of Hitler to power, tells how in 1932 he resolved to begin a counter movement to Nazi domination, and called together two dozen prominent men, who solemnly agreed to combat the regime.『44words』

34、Besides, we invited Soprano who stayed in Japan, Germany Iap Kun-Gi and Tenor Au Siu-Hiong to sing the song, pianist Ong Ai-Lun and Kho Keng-Koan, to create this CD solemnly and strictly, texts inside has been using Roman punctuation as to make it easier for one to sing.『48words』

35、I solemnly swear, to devote my life and abilities, in defense of the United Nations of Earth, to defend the constitution of man, and to further the universal rights of all sentient life, from the depths of the Pacific, to the edge of the galaxy, for as lo『48words』

36、It is precisely because of this kind of religious thought which seems to be right and wrong, and which seems to be unreasonable. When Shouguan was first built, the first pile of earth to be built should be carefully preserved, and when the underground palace is completed, the earth should be solemnly filled into the golden well.『57words』

