

1、full interest admitted『3words』

2、admitted Bill calmly.『3words』

3、He admitted himself beaten.『4words』

4、Children are (admitted) half-price.『4words』

5、They frankly admitted their responsibility.『5words』

6、'I'm grateful,' she reluctantly admitted.『5words』

7、He admitted all his mistakes.『5words』

8、The path just admitted three.『5words』

9、He was admitted to International Pen『6words』

10、40% admitted to psychologically abusing patients.『6words』



11、He admitted seven charges including forging passports.『7words』

12、He initially admitted to killing eight children.『7words』

13、George has been admitted to a college.『7words』

14、He admitted that he was in the wrong.『8words』

15、Burdick admitted that the safaris were just a hoax.『9words』

16、So far no one has admitted planting the bomb.『9words』

17、I've always admitted that I'm ruled by my passions.『9words』

18、Children are admitted only if accompanied by an adult.『9words』

19、Haggis admitted to her, "I don't believe I'm a spiritual being."『11words』

20、He admitted that he had been admitted into the university by chance.『12words』



21、Pollard admitted he was having an on-line relationship with an American woman.『12words』

22、The issuers have admitted liability but the amount of damages has not yet been agreed.『15words』

23、METHODS: we studied a series of consecutive patients with acute stroke who were admitted to hospital.『16words』

24、Wyndeham Argent, one of Britain's largest printing companies, admitted it retouched pictures used in children's catalogues.『16words』

25、But once you've admitted that, you've admitted that one high level language can be more powerful than another.『18words』

26、It must be added, however, that the merit and rights of the mere Understanding should unhesitatingly be admitted.『18words』

27、Methods Serum CEA and CA19-9 of 240 patients admitted to internal digestive wards were examined with RIA method.『18words』

28、If you are being admitted for an overnight stay, you will be asked to fill in some admission forms;『19words』

29、MRSA is usually thought of as the predatory bacteria ready to pounce on anyone admitted to average British hospital.『19words』

30、And more than one in six admitted that financial constraints had made them postpone trying to start a family.『19words』



31、The latest figures show that 90.5% of admitted patients and 97.5% of non-admitted patients started treatment in under 18 weeks," said a spokeswoman.『23words』

32、Guti recently admitted that, if he was forced to leave his boyhood club, he would relish the chance to play in the Premiership.『23words』

33、Li, a high-school graduate from Henan Province, was not admitted to any university despite achieving a good score in the national university entrance exam.『24words』

34、In 2001 China was admitted to the World Trade Organization, and in 2015 the IMF admitted its currency to the major denomination Special Drawing Rights basket.『26words』

35、Had Goldman admitted to fraud - that is, admitted to having a bad intent rather than just having made a mistake - the plaintiffs bar likely would be preparing their suits right now.『33words』

