

1、Children are easily diverted.『4words』

2、The cartoon diverted the children.『5words』

3、restitution of the diverted water『5words』

4、Populations are also being diverted.『5words』

5、“Oh!" cried Elizabeth, "I am excessively diverted."『7words』

6、I expect the plane will be diverted.『7words』

7、 A loud noise diverted my attention.『7words』

8、The train was being diverted via Beighton.『7words』

9、You shouldn't have diverted him from his duty.『8words』

10、I expected that the plane would be diverted.『8words』



11、During the parade, traffic was diverted onto side roads.『9words』

12、She was trained as a doctor but diverted to diplomacy.『10words』

13、Now the euro zone's woes have diverted attention inward again.『10words』

14、Lastly, new demand for biofuels has diverted crops from food to energy.『12words』

15、Yet only a day later, attention was diverted by events closer to home.『13words』

16、To keep the audience continually diverted she slipped the doubtful items in between the old favorites.『16words』

17、More land has been diverted to soybean production to meet the increasing demands for the crop.『16words』

18、Analysts say a large portion of that lending was diverted to speculate in the property market.『16words』

19、After a long drive, the car suddenly turned left, diverted from the Yellow River and entered the mountains.『18words』

20、Forest workers should be appropriately diverted and reemployed, with the majority transferred to tree planting and forest management.『18words』



21、The country's leaders were not prepared to allow such large stocks of timber to be diverted from military use『19words』

22、Almost all of an organism's energy can be diverted to reproduction, with very little allocated to building the body.『19words』

23、If the child shows immersion in emotional distress, the child's attention should be diverted by conveying positive and positive information.『20words』

24、Biofuels have not only diverted crops to fuel but have also diverted public subsidies to farmers without provoking too many objections.『21words』

25、Eventually, the western states diverted much of their produce from the rivers to the Erie Canal, a shorter route to eastern markets.『22words』

26、Those flights had been diverted so that the United States could land troops and equipment, and lift Americans and other foreigners to safety.『23words』

27、As the poet Wang Jian said, /The hot spring was diverted to the imperial garden /Where in the second moon melons are ripe for eating.『25words』

28、With the lapsing of our old activity of inventing and enacting adventures, Joe Weller and I diverted our wild imaginings on several occasions to a jocular vein.『27words』

29、Recycled office furniture refers to used office furniture that has been diverted out of the solid waste stream for reuse after refurbishing and repair or replacement of parts.『28words』

30、looking chipper, like a man...diverted by his own wit- Frances G. Patton; life that is gay, brisk, and debonair- H.M.Reynolds; walked with a jaunty step; a jaunty optimist.『28words』



31、As a result, the majority of harmonic currents are diverted from the power system into the filter circuit, and the harminic currents which flow into supply system are radically reduced.『30words』

32、While some diverted themselves with gathering flowers, and others fruits, I took my wine and provisions, and sat down near a stream betwixt two high trees, which formed a thick shade.『31words』

33、Guangdong province has been the worst hit and authorities there have deliberately diverted water to flood six villages so that more important towns and cities would not be inundated, Xinhua news agency reported.『33words』

34、At the end of the main ditch there were also sluice gates. If there was a profuse supply of water, the surplus would be diverted to a pond or back to the Yellow River.『34words』

35、 Lieutenant Liu Yuhe of Jin Dynasty diverted water from Pengcheng and left three sons to live in Pengcheng just and loftily. He was also in charge of the military affairs of Xu, Yan, Qing and Ji prefectures, and supervised the army's westward march.『44words』

